Rita Skeeter

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Your POV:
I got back to my dorm pretty early in the morning. I seemed to fall asleep when I was with George, even if I didn't try to. Jenna didn't care though, so that was cool.

As I walked through the doorway to my room, I was greeted with a woman who wasn't my roommate. And she looked to be rummaging through my stuff.
"Can I help you?" I asked her.
"Oh!" She exclaimed, "Hello dear, I was just um... looking for you. Rita Skeeter."
She held her hand out for me and I shook it.
"Is there something else you're looking for, Rita?" I asked her.

I recognized her. She ran the Daily Prophet. Something told me she was looking for my camera. I brought my muggle camera from America to Hogwarts with me, and she must have seen me using it the other day.

"Looking for this?" I pulled it out from my pants drawer.
She didn't answer.
"Don't you have your own stuff?" I asked her.
"You know, Professor Snape tells me you're quite an expert essay writer." She changed the subject.
"And?" I answered, "English is a required class in America."
"I have a proposition for you." She told me, "What with the event of the Tri-Wizard Tournament starting up, my schedule has become nearly unbearable. I really could use a junior reporter to help with some information gathering. And to help take pictures." She motioned to my camera.
I held my hand out to her.
"Then you've got one." I told her.
She took my hand, shook it, and left.

I got an owl later that day from Rita explaining that the job would require me to miss class. So she informed Snape of this, and got him to excuse me from all my classes for a bit. I spent the next couple days with Rita, setting up interviews and pulling quotes. It was a lot of fun actually, but I missed George. I left him a note the day I first left telling him I'd be busy for a while, but I didn't expect to be away from him for so long. The only time I was back at the school was to sleep, I spent the rest of my time at the office.

The day the Tri-Wizard champions were announced, Rita and I were ready. She had her microphone and I had my camera. As we entered the Great Hall, I spotted George and snuck over to him.
I put my hands over his eyes. "Guess who."
He pulled my hands off and looked back at me.
"Y/n!" He exclaimed. He picked me up and spun me around like I'd been gone for months, when it really was only two or three days at the most.
"Hi." I chuckled at him, "Sorry for the disappearance. I work with Rita now, so I've been with her at the office for the last couple days."
"That's great." He told me, "Do you get to write articles?"
"Well no I don't think she'd quite trust me with that." I said, "But between you and me, she doesn't quite like the truth anyway. And I'd rather not write lies."

He smiled at me and I melted a bit inside. I really did miss him. Even if it was just two days.

"I have to go." I told him, "But I'll see you later." I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and made my way back over to Rita.

George's POV:
I was quite proud of Y/n. I'd talked to her about Fred and my joke shop idea before, but she had never talked about what she wanted to do after Hogwarts. Rita Skeeter wasn't a terribly good person, but it was still a great opportunity for her. Maybe one day she would even take over the Daily Prophet for Rita. I had all the hope in the world for what she could accomplish, and I knew she would be able to if she just put her mind to it. Y/n was the most determined person I know, and that's why I didn't mind that she was a Slytherin. She was far from a bad person. She had all the noble traits of a Gryffindor, but the determination of a thousand Slytherins. She was fantastic. And I was the luckiest guy in the world to be able to call her mine.

Your POV:
It was time for the goblet to choose its winners. I snuck to the front of the room with my camera to get a good shot and waited. The Hogwarts champion was chosen last. The room went silent, and I held my breath. Cedric Diggory. I went crazy clapping for him. I was so proud. And to tell the truth, I was kind of hoping I wouldn't get chosen anyway. Ced deserved it so much more than I did. I did kind of wish there was a way we could both get chosen, but I knew there was only one winner per school. And I was okay with that. Until Harry Potter's name was called.

This would be a good story for sure. Two Hogwarts champions? One of which wasn't even old enough to qualify? It was front page news. I took endless pictures of Harry and the champions. Rita was gonna love this.

Cedric gave me a puzzled look from across the hall and I just shrugged. Nobody could have predicted this. And it seemed a lot of people were upset, especially Ron. Plus, I couldn't imagine how the twins felt. They wanted to enter so bad, but they couldn't because they weren't old enough. And now someone even younger than them was chosen. None of it was fair. And that's what made it such a good story. I followed Rita out to interview the champions. Cedric didn't give good quotes. He was a good person, and would never say anything bad about Harry or Hogwarts. I think that's why we were such good friends. He was so genuine. And he took good care of the people he cared about. I was so glad to have him as a friend.

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