Making Things Right

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A/N lol:
if you don't follow me you might not have seen my last announcement, so if you didn't read the edited version of the last chapter i suggest doing that now so this new one is easier to follow along with! <3

Your POV:
Somehow I always knew that I would be the one to talk to George first. I was always the stubborn one, but he had a gift for avoiding people. I blamed it on that dumb map him and Fred found first year. Part of me was sure that if I didn't talk to him first, he would avoid me until graduation and disappear. No matter how much he cared about me, he had too much pride to beg for forgiveness. But so did I. This conversation wasn't going to be easy. But it was going to happen. 

I needed to ask him about Matthew. Something was off about him and I needed to figure out what. Maybe he wouldn't be able to answer any of my questions or maybe he wouldn't want to. Part of me just wanted to ask Ron, but the truth is I really did want to talk to George. I just needed to hear his voice again. And by luck or coincidence, I ran into him in the hallway on my way to his dorm.

"George. Hey." I greeted him.
He blushed a bit, and that small gesture was enough to assure me that talking to him was the right thing to do.
"Hey." He responded.
"I need to ask you something." I blurted out, "About Matthew."
"Oh Merlin Y/n..." He complained, "We've been broken up for a matter of days and, what? Now you're gonna ask my permission to go off and date some rando Slytherin before we even get the chance to save our relationship?"
"That's not what this is." I defended myself.
"Then what is it?" He challenged, "Why is he the first thing you want to talk to me about? How about asking me how I've been? I've been terrible, thanks for asking."
"Oh, so sorry!" I defended, "But how about asking me how I've been? You think I haven't been dealing with this too? You think I haven't missed you?"
"That's what it seems like." He mumbled.
"I tried to save this from the beginning of this stupid fight but you're the one that pushed me away. You're the one that avoided me. And you still are!" I raised my voice.
"How is Matthew, by the way?" He narrowed his eyes at me, changing the subject.
"Oh, he's great! He doesn't push me away or yell at me when I try to talk to him, so that's cool! I only think he's not who he says he is and might be super dangerous but, hey! Anything could happen at Hogwarts!" I spat.
"Slow down." George told me, "What's that?"
"There's something... off about him." I told him, "I don't know what it is, but I don't like it."

George's POV:
I thought back to the conversation between Matthew and Draco I heard earlier. They had a plan, and I didn't know what it was, but it couldn't be good.
"I believe you." I told her.

Your POV:
"Listen to me closely, Y/n..." George told me, "I need you to keep hanging out with him like nothing's wrong. I don't know what you're even implying, but if he really is dangerous you can't let him find out we know."
"I don't know if I can do that." I said, "He makes me uncomfortable. I don't like being alone with him. Maybe he's harmless but I just have this gut feeling that he's not."
"Then stick with Draco, please." He said.
"I don't know if I trust him anymore either. I know that he's my friend but ever since... You-Know-Who... has been back I just.. get this weird feeling around him. I think they might be involved in his return. Or at least know something about it." I told him.
"Why do you think that?" He asked me.
"I don't know. Intuition? Listen George, even if I'm wrong with this there's still something going on here. Things aren't right at Hogwarts. I don't want to sit and wait around for another tragedy to happen like Cedric." I said, "I mean who transfers to Hogwarts halfway through the year? And a Pureblood too? I've never even heard of his family."

He didn't answer me after that, but I could tell he was thinking.
"I'll help you." He said, "I'll help you figure out what this Matthew guy's deal is."
"Thank you." I smiled at him.

"I just... before you go I want to ask you something." He looked me in the eyes.
"Yeah, sure." I told him, "Anything."
"Do you still love me?" He asked softly.
I cupped his jaw with my hand and forced him to look at me again, "So much."

I pulled him into a hug and melted in his embrace. I missed the feeling so much. Times were tough, but being held by him made me feel safe and loved. And I needed that now more than ever.

As we pulled apart he cleared his throat and asked me one more question, "Would you take me back? I mean, no pressure but um, I don't think I can live without you. And I don't want to."
I chuckled and placed both of my hands on the back of his neck, connecting his lips with mine.
"Don't you think we should talk first? About that fight?" I asked him. 
"I don't have much to say." He started, "I was just scared, I guess. I love you but I don't trust Rita. Harry told me that Hermione has some suspicions she isn't who she says she is. I only wanted to protect you. And I'm sorry I yelled."
"Well, why didn't you just say that? I know Rita is strange. You really think I enjoy being around her? And I know about what Hermione thinks she is. We're working together to bring her down." I told him.
That was true. Hermione had her suspicions that Rita was obtaining her information immorally and illegally. And since Rita was pretty secretive, I had no real reason not to believe there was something else going on right under my nose.

"I'm sorry." He told me again, "We should've had this conversation a long time ago. It was my fault we didn't."
"Nah." I laughed, "It might be Fred's, though. I told him to tell you to talk to me. Guess he didn't do that."
"Huh. No he didn't." He thought out loud.
"Guess that calls for a prank then." I said.

George's POV:
I grabbed her arm gently before she turned away. She looked at me with such excitement and joy in her eyes and I softened at the sight.
"You didn't answer my question." I reminded her.
"Yes." She smiled at me, "I would've asked you if you didn't first. I love you, dummy."

Huh. This conversation was way easier than I thought it was gonna be. Guess I'm just a bit dramatic.

"Oh, and one more thing." I added, "If this is gonna work, you know the whole Matthew and Draco thing, we have to act like we're still broken up. They need to think that you hate me."

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