Being Brave

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Your POV:
I had just made it out into the hallway when I ran right into Hermione, who looked determined and frantic.

"Y/n! Thank goodness, I've been looking for you everywhere! I have something to show you." She grabbed my arm and dragged me down the hallway on her way back to the Gryffindor tower.

"Hermione? What exactly am I looking at? A beetle in a jar?" I asked her once she had pulled me into her dorm.
"An animagus." She corrected, with a smug look on her face.
My mouth fell open as I took a closer look at what was in the jar, "Rita Skeeter?"
"Yeah, sorry Y/n but uh you might not have a job anymore after this." Hermione told me.
"Oh no Hermione, this is great." I answered, "I hope you're not opposed to blackmail."
"It was my plan, actually." She said.

George's POV:
"Slow down, Y/n, and start from the beginning."
Y/n had come into my dorm with thousands of things to tell me at once and no matter how hard I was trying to concentrate on what she said, none of it stuck.
"Rita Skeeter's an animagus. Hermione and I kidnapped her. Something is going on and now we have the power to stop it. Are you in?" She asked me.
"I'm in."

Your POV:
The next day I took the twins to the Daily Prophet headquarters and showed them around a bit. I walked them through all the offices and the supplies and showed them where everything was when Fred asked the first question.
"Um, Y/n? What are we doing here?" He asked.
"Well, uh... Rita left me in charge." George looked at me skeptically as I tried to lie to his brother.
"Okay, fine." I cracked, "Rita is... preoccupied, so I put myself in charge. And my first order of business is to hire you two."
"What?" They asked at the same time.
"You want money for your joke shop, don't you?" I asked them, "A job at the prophet pays pretty well. And all you've gotta do is type."
They looked at each other for a split second and then turned their attention back to me, "We're in."

George and I took an afternoon walk around the grounds that same day when as we were coming back into the castle Dumbledore stopped us.
"Miss L/n, Mr. Weasley." He greeted us.
"Good afternoon, Headmaster." I responded.
"I was actually hoping to catch you alone Miss L/n, but seeing as it is this brother who is accompanying you, I think you would be okay with me sharing the information I have for you right here anyway." He said.
"Oh, um. I'm sorry, we're not-" I started.
"Yes, of course, you're broken up." He interrupted me with a wink.
This guy was so weird.
"Anyway, this is for you, Y/n." He said as he handed me a school robe, "I expect the weather will turn cold soon. Wouldn't want to be without one. Especially around Delores."
I looked down at the red and gold robe in my hands and then back up to the man standing in front of me.

"Sir, I'm not a Gryffindor. I was sorted into Slytherin, remember?" I asked him.
"Yes, the sorting hat had made its decision. But now so have I. I want you to be on the right side of history, Y/n. We are entering a great war, and history will be made whether we are ready for it or not. I'd hate for an old hat's words to sway your loyalty." He said.

I was silent for a moment, deep in thought. There was no way I would ever fight this war from the other side, even if Draco made me. Right? Why was Dumbledore acting like he was luring me over to the good side with this robe?

"It's not that I didn't like being a Slytherin, Sir..." I started.
"We prefer what we prefer, Y/n." He interrupted me again, "And it's no secret that you'd prefer to be seen as the good guy."
"Am I not already?" I asked him, afraid of the answer I might receive.
"Don't you think this would help?" He asked, motioning to the robe again, "The sorting hat was never wrong in its perception of you. You have all the qualities that make up a hardworking and determined individual. The life chosen for you was the one of a Slytherin, but you've always had the power to change that. All you had to do was decide where your loyalties lie. And now you've done just that."
I smiled and held the robe to my chest, thanking Dumbledore as George and I started to walk away.
"Oh, and Y/n?" Dumbledore called after us, "How is Draco Malfoy doing? And what about Miss Skeeter?"
"I don't know, Sir." I smiled.
"That man makes no sense." George whispered to me as we now entered the castle as two Gryffindors.

George's POV:
Y/n and I walked into the common room together and it didn't take her long to throw herself on the couch.

"Come here." She opened her arms and motioned for me to come lay with her.
"Y/n/n, no. This is a public place, anyone could see us. We're separated, remember?" I reminded her.
"Oh yeah, I don't think that matters anymore, Georgie." She told me as I sat down next to her.
"Why not? What about our plan?" I asked.

She looked at me and sighed before sitting up and looking me in the eye, "First of all, we never really made a concrete plan..."
"Yes we did!" I defended.
"Shhh, Georgie no we didn't. All we talked about was pretending we were still broken up but we really needed an action plan. We needed answers so I got them." She said.
"What do you mean?" I asked her.
"I spied on them. Draco and Matt. And I got answers. It's Lucius. Using Polyjuice." She told me.
"What?" I almost yelled.
"Uh, yeah. I think you can assume what that means." She said.
"Oh Merlin. Draco's a Deatheater." I was shocked, but she nodded her head at me in confirmation. "You can't let them know that you know. I don't think Draco would hurt you but Lucius might if he knew that you were onto them."
"Draco knows." She looked at me with worry in her eyes, "That's gotta be why Dumbledore gave me the robe. He knows I told him off. I guess I chose what side I'm fighting for. Even though I'm pretty sure I did that a long time ago when this whole thing started."
"Hey, don't worry about it." I told her, "You're safe with me no matter what. I don't know what kind of games those two are playing but Dumbledore didn't give you that robe for nothing. So be brave. I know you can do it, the proof is literally in your hands."

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