the Wedding

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George's POV:
The day came where my brother Bill and Flyer De Lacour were getting married. I had honestly forgotten it was happening, with everything going on. I had meant to ask Y/n to be my date, but I also forgot to do that. But, better late than never.

I picked a flower from Mom's garden and brought it to her, holding it out as I kneeled down on one knee.
"George, get up you git" She laughed, "Why are you on your knee?"
"Y/n L/n..." I said dramatically, "Will you... be my date to Bill and Fleur's wedding?"
She smiled and smacked me gently with the hand she now held the flower in, "Sure I will."

This definitely felt like a weird time to be celebrating anything. Everyone was on edge, just waiting for Voldemort to attack again. And I honestly hadn't had a good night's sleep in a long time. The only time I slept was when Y/n was staying over. When I held her in my arms, and I felt like she was safe and I was able to protect her, I could sleep easy. I was scared something might happen to her.

I knew that I was lucky to be alive after the attack that took my ear. That night I thought it was all over, and that I would never get to see my friends and family again. I thought that I would never get to see Y/n again. And that scared me more than anything else.

Y/n POV:

I looked at my poor boy's head, wrapped with bandages where I knew he was now missing an ear. He was hurt so badly, yet he still looked happy to be alive, and his stupid smile had not faded for a second since.

I felt so bad. I looked at George in front of me. There were stars in his eyes, but I was plagued with guilt. I knew I couldn't tell him what I was doing. If I told him I had sided with Voldemort he would never forgive me. He'd probably leave me in a second, and so would all of my friends. I mean, I definitely wasn't on Voldemort's side, I was just pretending to be. But I knew any of it would be hard to explain. I knew that it needed to be me that brought Voldemort's guard down. And I knew that it had to be me that killed him. Godric knew Draco wasn't gonna do it.

Still, I couldn't help but feel like a terrible person. I felt slimy. Lying was not fun for me. I especially didn't like lying to George; he doesn't deserve it.

But I told myself to just enjoy the party. For George's sake if not my own. His brother was getting married today. Today was for celebration, not anxiety and betrayal.

"I'm going to change," George said, "are you coming with?"
"No, I will after you." I told him, "I'm going to have some tea first."
He went upstairs and I made myself a cup of tea and leaned against the countertop. I took a deep breath and tried to clear my mind. Despite everything, it was actually a very nice day.

Before long, George came running downstairs and stood up tall in front of me in a dress shirt and pants.
"You look cute." I smiled.
"Cute?" He asked, "The bandage doesn't make me look badass?"
"Kind of. What do you want me to say?" I laughed at him.
"Tell me I look badass with only one ear." He smiled as he got closer to me, trapping me in between his body and the counter.
"You're wearing a bow tie, you know." I giggled.
He got even closer to me and rested his hands on my hips, which pressed into the cabinets.
"Okay fine," I gave in, "George, your bandage looks badass. And so does your bowtie."
He stepped away, taking his hands off of my hips and throwing them in the air.
"Thank you." He grinned.
I went upstairs to change, looking back once to see him watching me go. I could feel the absence of his hands on my hips now, and I wanted them there again.

When I came back downstairs, he was drinking the tea that I completely forgot I made.


The wedding was beautiful. Despite being right in the backyard, it looked glamorous. And I had a wonderful time. George and I danced and laughed and for a moment I forgot about everything but us.

That was until the attack started. Death eaters apparated into the tent left and right. Everyone was running and screaming but I couldn't move. My mind was racing, and I was more scared than I'd like to admit. I had no idea this was going to happen. I thought that once I had become a Deatheater I would know when the attacks were going to happen and I could warn my friends, but I was just as clueless as everyone else.

"Y/n!" I snapped back into reality and George was shaking me awake, "We have to get out of here! Now!"

But before we could run, we were surrounded. I grabbed George's hand and whispered in his ear.
"I love you." He looked at me in horror and I did the only thing I could think to do. I approached one of the hooded figures slowly.

I pointed my wand at the man, and he did the same to me.
"Lower the hood." I ordered him.
He did as I said. It was none other than Lucius Malfoy.
"Good to see you again, L/n." He said, "Though I am a bit confused with your attire."
I glared at him, knowing what was coming next.
"Shut up, Malfoy or I swear on everything you love that I will kill you where you stand." I muttered through gritted teeth.
"You forget, Y/n, that I love nothing." He returned.
I stood up a little taller and put my wand to his throat.
"Oh but you do, Y/n. I know you do." He continued, "That's what's wrong with you. And that's why the Dark Lord doesn't want you. You love these mud bloods. But you betrayed them. They should've never trusted someone like you. And now you're going to die, and so are they. Isn't that funny? It's a shame, really, that The Dark Lord doesn't get to see this himself. but I just can't-"

I had enough of his stupid speech.
I flicked my wand at him so quick that he barely had time to do the same, but he did. And whatever spell he hit me with sent us both somewhere I didn't recognize. Alone. No George. No Fred, Ginny, Molly, Ron, or Bill. Just me, Lucius, and the Dark Lord himself.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2022 ⏰

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