Another Ball

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George's POV:
"Malfoy, wait up." I called after him, "What's that supposed to mean?"
"It means don't hurt her." He simply said.
"I would never hurt her." I told him.
"She's cried over you before, you know." He said plainly, "I don't feel it's my business to get in the middle of your relationship, but I need to know if you truly care for her or not."
"I love her." I told him.
"Okay then. Good." He started to walk away.
"Hey why do you care so much, anyway?" I called after him again, "I didn't know you had feelings."
"I've never had a friend like her." He said softly, "She's kind to me, it's different. There's just something about her. She makes me want to be good."
It was silent for a moment.
"Don't worry." He told me, "I'm not in love with her or anything, she's all yours there. But she means a lot to me. I'm only looking out."
And then he walked away for good that time.

Your POV:
I was sitting with Draco at breakfast the next morning when Dumbledore started his announcements. He told us there would be a new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher provided by the Ministry. Her name was Delores Umbridge. A lady dressed head to toe in pink cotton clothing stood up right on cue. I hated her already.

She introduced herself, but I honestly wasn't listening. Draco made some remark about her wardrobe that made me chuckle, and she shot a look at me. How did she even hear that?

After she was done, Professor McGonagall stepped forward to make her own announcement.
"Students," She spoke, "Since the Yule Ball was so successful in raising spirits last year, which is something we all need right now after the tournament's events, we will be holding another ball here at Hogwarts. As the Yule Ball was named after the season it was held in, we will call this ball the Fall Ball. This time it will be only students that attend Hogwarts, as our guests are gone this year, but everything else will be the same. Please report to your common rooms after breakfast for more dancing lessons."

I looked at George from across the room, and he was looking back at me. I thought back to last year, and how wonderful it was. I couldn't wait for this time around.

Snape taught us how to dance again, and I paired myself with Draco. I wondered who he would ask to be his date. He brought a girl from Beauxbatons last year, and I didn't think he was interested in any girls here. I hoped he would find someone. I'd hate to see him go alone.

Maybe Ron would ask Hermione this time, or Harry would ask Cho. They would both say yes, but those boys were a little clueless sometimes.

George's POV:
I went to Y/n's dorm after dance lessons. I just wanted to spend some time with her while neither of us were busy with schoolwork yet.

I got there and let myself in, only to find a note left on her bed, addressed to me.

Sorry I didn't have much time to spare to ask if you wanted to help. If you're reading this right now, and I'm not here, I'm in Umbridge's office setting traps. Of course, they're harmless. I'm just gonna make the floor really sticky and hide all her quills. Maybe I'll dye all her clothes purple later, but you can help me with that one. There's just something about her that's begging for a prank. I'll see you at lunch to tell you how it went. <3

Nice. She was gonna get detention for this one. Well, now I was just gonna have to get detention too. I didn't know Umbridge, hadn't even spoken to her yet, but surely she would hate a firecracker in her room.

So soon we were both in detention with Umbridge. She looked furious, yet calm at the same time. Like she had some sort of plan. But whatever she had in store for us couldn't be worse than cleaning Snape's cauldrons.

She handed us both our own sheet of parchment and then went to grab quills for us, except she couldn't find any and her shoes stuck to the floor with every step. We sat there waiting for maybe five minutes when she finally pulled out two spare quills from deep in her drawer.
"Lines." She said.

"Lines?" I repeated.
"Yes." She told me, "So you learn from your mistakes. You, Mr. Weasley, will be writing I will not light explosives on school grounds. And you, Miss L/n, will be writing I will not disrespect my professor's belongings."
She handed us the quills and motioned for us to start writing.

She wasn't watching us very closely, so I used the quill to write one word on my parchment to show Y/n.

"Pst. Y/n." I nudged her with my elbow.
She looked up from her own page and I motioned for her to read mine.

Ball? It read.

She giggled and nodded her head. I smiled at her when I felt a deep, searing pain in my forearm. The word had been etched into my skin. The quills were enchanted. Y/n wrote fast, so her whole sentence had now been carved into her arm. And even though I knew how much it hurt, her expression didn't change. She looked puzzled, but not in pain. How could she do that so well? Hide her emotions? There's no way that didn't hurt her.

When Umbridge finally let us go, I led Y/n right back to my dorm. She didn't say anything on the way back, we just walked in silence. Her injuries looked to be worse than mine, as she had written more than me, and I felt terrible. But the main emotion I was feeling was anger. Umbridge wasn't even our teacher, neither of us had Defense Against the Dark Arts this year. How could she do something so cruel to a couple of students just messing around? I had a feeling I was gonna have to get used to the pain, though. I was gonna get a lot of detention this year, because Umbridge had a lot coming to her.

I put my anger on the back burner and treated Y/n's injuries before treating my own. Despite the circumstances, I was happy to be with her. I gently tilted her chin up to look at me and kissed her softly.
"Nice prank by the way." I whispered.

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