the Yule Ball pt. 1

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Your POV:
The next day at school, Professor McGonagall announced the Yule Ball. I don't know why Rita didn't tell me about this. What with her newfound angle on Harry Potter's story, she might want to know who he was going to go with. Maybe she could write another profile on his love life.

Our house professors all taught us how to waltz. It was quite hysterical watching Snape try to dance, actually. It genuinely seemed like he'd never danced before. George would get a good laugh out of this.

I hoped George would ask me. I mean, why wouldn't he? Why would he ask anyone else? I was his girlfriend. I was more worried about someone else asking him. Like Angelina. I knew she liked the twins. She had never quite chosen favorites, which was a bit weird to me. But I hoped Fred would ask her so I wouldn't have to worry about her creeping in on George. I had never actually met her, so I didn't really know what kind of person she was, but better to be safe than sorry.

I began to think. Maybe I should ask George instead of waiting for him to ask me. I mean, he's the one that asked me to be his girlfriend, maybe it was my turn to ask something.

I sat next to George at lunch that day. He was on my right and Ginny was on my left.
"Did Snape give you dance lessons today, Y/n?" George asked me.
"Yeah and they were horrid. You should have seen him, he looked like a scared penguin." I chuckled.
"So who do you hope will ask you to the ball, Y/n?" Luna asked from across the table. I didn't even see her there. I didn't think she even knew George and I were dating.
"Oh, hopefully Fred." I joked which earned me an elbow to the side from George.
I smiled at him and whispered, "Only kidding."

"What about you, Ginny?" I turned my attention to her.
"Oh I don't really know." She told me, but I knew she hoped Harry would ask her.
"Well we can worry about dates later." I told her, "What do you say we go dress shopping tonight?"
She nodded her head at me enthusiastically and I laughed. I knew her mom would probably send her a dress to wear, but it was always fun to look. Especially with a friend.

George's POV:
Y/n left with Ginny for Hogsmaede, so now was my chance to set a few things up. I kinda wanted to do some grand gesture to ask her to the ball with me, but I also wanted it to be personal. I decided on fireworks. I knew it was a bit over the top, but over the top was okay sometimes. Especially for this.

Fred and I set them up in a field outside the forbidden forest so when they were set off they could be seen from the Astronomy Tower. I knew she loved it there, and I wanted this to be special. After that, Fred and I just went on with our day like normal.

Your POV:
As I was walking around Hogsmaede with Ginny, I thought about how I would ask George to the ball with me. Maybe I should make a grand gesture of some sort, I was sure he'd like that. But I needed some input, so I asked Ginny.
"Hey Ginny?" I asked her.
"Yeah, Y/n?" She looked at me.
"Have any ideas of how I should ask your brother to the ball?"
She looked at me in surprise and a big grin grew on her face.
"Fireworks! In front of everyone! Confess your undying love for him! Get down on one knee!" She started spewing off crazy ideas.
"Okay okay, calm down Ginny." I laughed at her, "Fireworks might actually be a perfect idea."

Ginny helped me set up the fireworks so when we set them off they could be seen from the Astronomy Tower. I loved it there, so I wanted to make it a special place for both George and I.

As soon as Ginny and I got back to the school, I made my way to the twins' dorm to get George to come to the tower with me. I went up to his dorm, but he wasn't there, so I wrote a note and put it on his bed for him to find. The note read... "Meet me at the Astronomy Tower. Xoxo, Y/n."

When I got back to my dorm, there was a note on my bed.
"Meet me at the Astronomy Tower. Xoxo, George." What a very weird and kinda scary coincidence.

George's POV:
I left Y/n a note on her bed and went back to my own dorm before going to the Astronomy tower. When I got to my dorm, there was a note on my bed.

There is no way we both wrote each other letters telling us to meet at the same place. That's so funny it was almost scary. Now all I had to do was go to the Astronomy Tower and hope I got there first. So I ran.

Your POV:
When I got to the Astronomy Tower George was already there. We looked at each other and laughed for having the same idea. He pulled out a bouquet of flowers for me and I walked into his arms and gave him a tight hug.

We hadn't even been there for two minutes when fireworks started going off all around us. Shoot. Ginny must have set them off too early. The bang was loud and colors filled the sky. But a lot more fireworks went off than Ginny and I had set up. And they were coming from two different directions. I think George noticed this too.
"Did you set up fireworks too?" We both asked each other at the same time.

I doubled over in laughter and so did George. They were so pretty, but there were so many it was more funny than romantic at this point. Before long, the fireworks had all burnt out and I looked him in the eyes.
"Hold on why did you set up fireworks?" He asked me.
"I wanted to ask you something." I told him.
"I wanted to ask you something." He said.
"Oh, okay you ask first." I said.
"Okay." He started, "Y/n, you're the most perfect girl I've ever met, and I'm so beyond lucky to be with you. I thank the heavens every day that I get to spend my days with you. And the Yule Ball is coming up and I wouldn't want to go with anyone else. So what I'm asking is, will you go to the Yule Ball with me?"

I couldn't help but blush, "Of course I will, George. That's what I was going to ask you!"
I threw my arms around him and only pulled back after a minute to kiss him.
"You're sure you wouldn't rather go with Fred?" He teased me.
"I'm sure." I smiled and kissed him again.
I felt his arms wrap around my waist as he pulled me in and deepened the kiss. He was all I ever wanted.

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