Preparing for War

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George's POV:
"Mr. Weasley. Ms. L/n. I suggest you leave a bit of room in between yourselves in order to keep this dance modest." A voice came from behind us that could only belong to Umbridge.
"Yes ma'am." I whispered, as I took a step back, away from Y/n.

Once Umbridge had gone back into the hall with the other students, I put my hands right back onto her hips and kissed her on the nose.
"My dorm then?" She asked me.
"Sure." I smiled at her, and took her hand in mine as we walked back down to her dorm.

Your POV:
I spent the next couple of weeks training. I didn't exactly know what I was training for, but I had to be ready for anything. I knew Voldemort was back even if stupid Umbridge tried convincing everyone he wasn't. Harry wouldn't lie about Cedric's death.

I trained on my own most days, but sometimes Draco joined me. I didn't tell him what I was training for, and he didn't push. I asked George if he would join me sometimes, but with Umbridge enforcing her stupid rules at Hogwarts, he was in detention a lot more. His and Fred's pranks didn't die down at all, in fact that pink bitch just made them even more eager to cause some mischief.

I saw him on the weekends, though. We always spent them together. Sometimes we played quidditch one on one, which was actually super hard to do, but it was fun. He didn't ask me what I was training for either, but I knew what I had to do and every day I was getting closer to being ready for it. Sometimes George and I just hung out in his dorm. Or sometimes mine, but his was nicer and overall warmer. I liked studying with him. He was really impatient but it was cute. He'd get halfway through a page of homework and start groaning and complaining. It made me laugh. It was good to know some things would always stay the same. Like my love for George Weasley.

But even the weekends weren't long enough. As soon as they were over, I basically had to wait until the next one to see my own boyfriend again. Catching a glimpse of him in the hallway wasn't enough. I missed the summer when I got to see him every day.

I thought back to all those times we argued. And when I thought about how those arguments started, it was never out of anger. It was out of love. We fought the first time when I didn't know he liked me and I kissed Oliver Wood. I still felt bad about that. Then when he forgot my birthday. I just wanted to spend it with him. We didn't fight when Fred kissed me, though. I really thought we would fight then. But we didn't. Maybe it was because he trusted me. Or maybe it was because he was falling out of love with me. Because he stopped caring. No. Couldn't be. That didn't make any sense.

I brushed off the thought and kept training. Voldemort was going down. No time to be dumb and insecure when I had a dark lord to defeat. I didn't even know how I was going to find him, but once I did, I needed to be prepared. Besides, George and I had been together happily for like a year now, there was no reason to believe anything was wrong. Especially after how great the Fall Ball went with him.

Harry had started training too, as did a bunch of his friends. They gathered in the Room of Requirements and Harry taught them how to conjure their patronuses. They called themselves Dumbledore's Army. I had never cast the patronus charm before, so I was kind of interested in having Harry teach me.

The twins and I started going together. They'd cheer me on when I tried to cast it, but I never could. Soon, everyone was conjuring their patronus, and I was standing there looking like an idiot. Even George did it. He said he thought of me, which made me feel even worse about not being able to conjure mine. I loved George and we had the best relationship, why were none of the memories I thought of happy enough to cast the stupid charm?

"Just think of me, darling." George joked as I tried to cast the charm for the hundredth time.
"I have been, Georgie. I don't know why it's not working." I told him.
"Just think of your good old boyfriend Malfoy, then." he joked again.

Sometimes when he joked about things like that I couldn't tell if he was serious or not. His tone was joking, but deep in his eyes I swore I saw a hint of sadness. I'd told him time and time again that Draco and I were just friends, but he always did this. He'd say he was fine with it and then make some stupid joke that made me think otherwise. Now that I thought about it, George didn't genuinely smile as much as he used to anymore. I hadn't seen him a lot in general (besides the weekends) with all the detentions he was getting, but still. I missed how prominent his smile used to be. I loved his smile more than anything in the world. And as I stood there, thinking about my boyfriends's wonderful smile and silly little laugh that I loved so much, I conjured my patronus.

"Y/n... you did it." George whispered.
I watched my little cat scamper around the room before looking at George.
"I did it." I smiled at him and threw my arms around his neck.
He picked me up and spun me around yelling, "YOU DID IT! YOU REALLY DID IT!"
When he put me down, I looked up at him and softened at the sight.
"There it is." I thought out loud.
"There what is?" He asked me.
"My happiest memory." I pointed to his lips, "Your goofy little smile."

Later that day we were in his dorm, studying for our next exam together.
"George?" I asked him.
"Hm?" He asked me, taking a second before looking up from his book.
"Do you want me to stop being friends with Draco? I know you never asked me to, but I feel like you might want me to. And if that's what you want then I'll do it. Because you're the best thing that's ever happened to me. I'd give up anything for you." I asked.
He chuckled and kissed me on the forehead, "You're the best thing that's ever happened to me. And no, it's alright, darling. You can be friends with whoever you want."
"Are you sure?" I asked again.
"Of course." he told me, "I just don't like him. He's not too nice to Ron. Or anyone for that matter."
"I know." I sighed, "I wish he was nicer. I know he could be. If he only cared enough to try."


little tiny A/n-
uh hey guys uh sorry this took so long to get out, i got kind of stuck for a while. BUT while i was writing this chapter, I also wrote the first chapter of my new harry potter fic! it's published on my account now, titled "mine. (a harry potter fanfic)" if you guys are interested in that i'd love for you to check it out, otherwise i will be sure to get new chapters of this story out asap! thank you!

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