Summer Vacation

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Your POV:
I tapped on George's bedroom door for what seemed like ages until someone walked past and heard me knocking. It was Molly.
"Y/n?" She said, "Is that you, dear?"
"Yeah." I called back, "George locked me in here."
I heard the click of the lock and the door swung open, revealing an angry-looking Molly on the other side.
"He did what?" She asked me, "How long have you been in here?"
"Only maybe ten minutes." I smiled at her, "It's okay, Molly. It was just a bit of fun."
"A bit of fun is a game of chess!" She said as she turned to go down the stairs, presumably to find George and scold him.
"GEORGE WEASLEY." She yelled.

I giggled and followed her down into the living room to see a scared-looking George sat on the couch with his brothers.
"We do not lock girls in rooms!" She scolded him, "Especially not your girlfriend!"
"Yeah, George." I added, "How could you do that to me?"
I found it hard to suppress my laughs. He looked absolutely terrified.
"Sorry mom." He answered, "Sorry Y/n."
I smiled and skipped over to where he was sitting, plopping down in between him and Ron.
"It's okay." I said, "I forgive you."
Molly returned upstairs and I let myself laugh right in his face.
"Can't out-prank the master." I told him, "So simple yet so funny. You should've seen your face, you were so scared! I know I haven't pulled one in a while, but you really should've known better, love. After all, don't you remember my first day at Hogwarts?"
He smiled at me, "How could I forget? Those darn pigs haunted Snape for ages."
"THAT WAS YOU?" Ron nearly yelled in my ear.
"Yes, Ron." I told him, "Muggle pranks are my specialty. Why do you think I hang out with these dummies? Muggle pranks and wizard pranks: the perfect combination. Our friendship is simply a business transaction."
George swatted at my arm and I chuckled before leaning into him, my head on his chest, assuring him that I was only joking.

The rest of the summer went nearly the same. I played pranks on the boys, and they played pranks on me. I, of course, had introduced myself to Bill the day I met him, but I wasn't sure he liked me. He never watched movies with us when we did, and I never once had an actual conversation with him. Until one Saturday.

I ran into Bill in the living room of the Burrow on my way downstairs one morning. He looked like he was getting ready to go somewhere, but I didn't ask questions.
"Going to Diagon Alley for a bit." He spoke up, "If you'd like to join me."
"Oh, okay." I answered, "Let me go wake up George."
I turned to walk up the stairs.
"Ten minutes and I'm leaving without you!" He called up to me.

I shook George awake. He was actually quite a light sleeper, so he woke up right away.
"Bill's going out and we're going with. Get up." I spoke in his ear.
He only groaned and rolled over in bed.
"George Weasley." I said, "Get up or we're leaving without you."
He lifted his head and looked me in the eyes, "You are not going anywhere with my brother without me."
"Then get up!"
He didn't move.

I sighed and walked back downstairs without him.
"Looks like he's not coming." I told Bill, "A stubborn one, he is."
Bill let out a soft chuckle, "Well I could've told you that. Come on then, guess we're leaving him behind."
I stepped into the fireplace with Bill and grabbed a bit of floo powder before saying where we were going and letting it fall to the ground.

"So how are you enjoying life at the burrow?" He asked me as we walked down the streets of Diagon Alley.
"Oh, I love it." I told him, "Much better than being at my house for the summer."
"Why's that?" He asked.
"Well, you see, my parents don't live out here." I started, "I'm from America. They don't know I'm a witch and I don't plan on telling them, though they'd probably think I was crazy if I did. I moved in with my uncle in Ireland some time maybe two years ago when I got my letter. I started at the wizarding school in Ireland. It was so boring there I can't even remember the name. But, of course, the magic part was fun. I thought it was a scam, you know, or maybe some weird dream. I had never seen real magic before."
"So you live in Ireland now?" He asked.
"Yeah. And I like it there, don't get me wrong. I spent all of last summer there, though, and it was rather boring. Well, apart from the world cup." I told him.
"The Quidditch World Cup?" He asked.
"Yep." I said, "I met the twins there."
"So that was you!" He exclaimed, "George talked for ages about the pretty Irish girl he met at the world cup!"

I couldn't help but smile. What a dork. I really was in love with him, though. How lucky was I, to be dating someone like George Weasley. I hoped nothing ever tore us apart, but I didn't like thinking about that anyway.

When we got back to the burrow, George was awake and eating breakfast with Fred at the table. I walked up behind him and ruffled his hair.
"Good morning, sleepyhead." I told him as I turned on my heel to head back upstairs, "Your brother's cool. Almost as cool as Percy."

"Hey!" He called after me.
I let myself into his room and laid down on the bed we had been sharing as I let myself fall back to sleep.

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