Valentine's Day in the Summer

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Your POV:
I woke up the next morning in George's bed, except he wasn't next to me. I started off the summer sleeping with Ginny, but at some point I made a habit of falling asleep with George in his bunk. I didn't think Fred minded anyway, as we were all friends, so it was cool.

George was usually still next to me when I woke up, even though most of the time he was awake before me.
"George?" I called out into the room, but he wasn't there.
I rolled over onto his side of the bed and almost crushed a bouquet of flowers sitting in his place that I hadn't noticed before. They were beautiful.

I walked downstairs with the flowers in my hands when I was met by a very excited-looking George making breakfast in the kitchen.
"Oh no!" He said, "You're not supposed to be up yet! I was going to bring you some breakfast in bed!"
I chuckled, "Why? What's the occasion?"
"It's Valentine's Day!" He exclaimed.
"Georgie, it's August." I told him.
"I know." He said, "But I was talking to Dad yesterday and he just told me about the holiday. I'd never heard of it before, I can't believe you didn't tell me about it! We could have celebrated it months ago!"
"I completely forgot about it to be honest." I said, "I've never really been one to make a big deal out of it."
He kissed me on the cheek, "Well, I make a big deal out of everything."
"I can see that." I chuckled at how concentrated he was making breakfast.
"Now go back upstairs." He told me, "Breakfast is almost ready."

The rest of the day consisted of George and I doing things he would consider "normal couple activities", which actually turned out to be quite nice. We watched movies, went on walks, baked cookies, and played some board games.

When the day was almost over, I was in the living room talking to Ginny and George walked in with a box.
"What's that?" Ginny asked.
"For Y/n." He told her and then his eyes met mine.
"For me?" I asked him, "Another gift?"
"It's still Valentine's Day." He smiled at me.
"Technically today was never Valentine's Day." I teased him.
He handed me the box and I opened it slowly.

George's POV:
I wanted to get her something special. Something that would mean something to her beyond today. The first couple weeks after Cedric's death, she formed a strong connection with the teddy bear he gave her for her birthday. I remember her carrying that thing around like if she didn't hold it tight enough it would disappear.

I followed her into the forbidden forest one day and I saw her destroy it. I never understood why she did it, but I knew better than to ask questions. Maybe it was just her way of coping with his death.

But now that she was dealing with it better, I wanted to give it back to her.

I researched spells for days before I was able to revive that poor, charred up little bear. But now he looked brand new, his little hat and tie were intact, just like the day he gave it to her.

Your POV:
I opened the box and couldn't believe what was looking back at me. My little Ceddy bear. But how? I set it on fire. I watched it burn and I tried to let all my grief burn with it, though that didn't end up working. I was still grieving every day. But I think at this point, I was in the acceptance stage. I was finally okay with everything. George was my saving grace. He was the reason I wasn't going crazy by now.

I hugged that little bear and I let myself get lost in the scent of it. My mind wandered from memories of Cedric, to memories of George. This bear used to smell like Ced, but now it smelled like George. And I liked that.

I nearly threw myself into George's arms and choked back tears of happiness as I dug my head into the crook of his neck. What did I do to deserve any of this?
"Thank you." I whispered into his skin.
"You're welcome." He chuckled as he held me tightly, "I was scared you'd hate it."
"I love it." I assured him.

That night as George and I were laying in his bed, trying to fall asleep, he whispered to me.
"Do you think you could introduce me to some more muggle traditions some time? Today was fun, and I like learning new things."
"Of course, Georgie." I told him, "You're just like your dad."
"Do you think you're like any of your parents?" He asked me, lowering his voice even more.
"I don't think so." I admitted, "I think I'm completely my own person."
"Well, I like that person." He told me.
"Me too."

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