The Burrow

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Your POV:
Soon enough the school year was over. I found myself really dreading going back to Ireland. Even if it was just for three months, it sounded like an eternity. I couldn't even last a week there alone when I visited before. This was gonna be the longest summer ever.

"Hello, love." George threw his arm around me as he met up with me in the hallway, on the way to my dorm to pack.
"Hi Georgie." I smiled at him, "How are you?"
"Wonderful." He grinned, "What about you? Excited to head home?"
"Of course." I said.
I tried to sound convincing. I really did. But he saw right through me.
"Oh no." He frowned, "What's wrong."
I sighed and stopped walking.
"I don't really want to go back to Ireland if I'm being honest." I told him, "It's so far away from all of you guys, I'll be so lonely out there. Plus, my uncle is visiting my family in America so I will quite literally be all alone in that house."
He looked at me like he had just thought up some insane plan.
"Well why don't you stay with us then?" He asked me.
"Us?" I asked, "Like your family?"
"Of course." He said, "I know you'll love it there. And company is always welcome. There's really no problem. Plus you can meet my mom."

I smiled. George loved his mom. He talked so fondly of her and was always writing her letters. I'd heard so much about her I honestly felt like I knew her already even though I'd never met her. I was starting to get really excited.

"Plus everyone already loves you." He added, "Even Percy."
That was true. Percy and I had become pretty good friends since George and I had been dating. One time George told me that he told him I was a good match for him. That he admired my dedication to the Prophet and thought I was a good influence on him. Right. Like I would ever want to change George in any way. But despite his approval, Percy still did threaten to turn me in to Dumbledore every time he caught me in George's dorm. But he told me not to take it personal, and I never did anyway. Sometimes I joked with George and told him if I wasn't dating him, that I would be dating Percy. Of course I was only kidding, but it was fun to mess with him sometimes. And he always fell for it.

I smiled.
"Okay." I said, "I'd love to. If you're sure it's okay."
"Of course it is." He broke into a giant grin, "Come on, let's go pack!"
He grabbed my arm and dragged me down the hall.
"Can't wait to see Percy in his pajamas." I whispered, just loud enough for George to hear me.
He smacked the back of my head and chuckled. I laughed with him. My summer vacation was looking a thousand times better already.

We all arrived at the train station together and stepped onto the platform, looking around for Mr. and Mrs. Weasley. Ron found them first, and called them over to us. I was starting to get a bit nervous, so I grabbed George's hand in both of mine to calm myself down.
"Mom," George spoke up, "this is Y/n."
I smiled at her and she threw her arms around me in a motherly hug. I let go of George's hand and hugged her back.
"Great to finally meet you." She smiled at me.
Finally? I didn't know she even knew I existed.

When we got back to the burrow, Ginny showed me to her room and pulled out an air mattress for me.
"Mom blew this up for you," she said, "but you can just sleep in my bed with me if you want. It's more than big enough."
"Thanks." I smiled and began unpacking some of my things.

After we were all settled in, I walked downstairs to spend some time with everyone. Mrs. Weasley was sitting on the couch in the living room and called me over.
"Take a seat dear," she said motioning me over to her, "you must be exhausted from that train ride."
"Thank you Mrs. Weasley." I sat down and smiled at her.
"Oh, please." She told me, "Call me Molly."
I smiled at her.
"Are you sure?" I asked, "My parents always told me to treat adults with respect. Mister and Misses and Sir and Ma'am are what I've been taught."
"Really." She assured me, "I prefer Molly anyway. But whatever you're comfortable with. I want you to feel at home here."
"Oh, I do." I told her, "It's so nice. You have such a wonderful family."
I paused.
"Which reminds me, I should go find George. Thank you again for letting me stay for the summer." I got up and started to walk to the stairs, "Thank you. Molly."
She smiled at my words.
"Tell your boyfriend I said no funny business!" She called after me.
I stopped in the middle of the steps and leaned over the railing.
"Will do." I told her.
So George had told her about me. I wondered to what extent.

When I got to George's room he wasn't even in there. I didn't know where he would be other than the kitchen, so that's where I went.

"Yeah, how'd you land someone like her?"
I heard laughs coming from inside the kitchen and stopped to listen.
"Shut it, Bill." I heard George's voice say.
"So how long have you been dating?" I heard that first voice ask again.
"Like 6 months." He answered. 
Huh. It seemed like so much longer.
"Yeah but you've had a big stupid crush on her for like a year." Fred teased him.
If I really listened, it was actually quite easy to tell George and Fred's voices apart. I couldn't believe I had ever mistaken Fred's voice for George's that one night in his dorm.

I grinned and pushed the door open, walking in like I hadn't been eavesdropping just seconds before.
"Hey Fred," I said, "have you seen Percy? I've been looking for him everywhere!"
I pretended to just notice George was there.
"George! Hey! I didn't know you were in here!" I messed with him.
He grinned at me and rolled his eyes. He stopped falling for the joke a while ago, but I still thought it was funny.

He grabbed me by the waist and threw me over his shoulder.
"I'll be right back, boys." He called out behind him.
"You think you're so funny." He said to me as he carried me up the stairs and into his bedroom, "But now you're in a timeout."
He sat me on his bed and started to walk out.
"Wait, George!" I followed after him but he dodged my grasp and shut the door on me, locking it from the outside.

"Okay, George! You got me!" I shouted, "You can let me out now! I get it! You're the prank king! LookI'msorryforprankingyouwillyoupleasejustletmeout!"


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