Anything but a Slytherin

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George's POV:
There it was. That beautiful smile I missed so much. I didn't know what happened, but Y/n really seemed to be doing better. And I was so happy for her. She was so strong. Imagine losing your best friend and being able to pull yourself together so soon.

Your POV:
Since I was back to joking around and laughing with George, he started asking me to pull pranks with him. And don't get me wrong, I love pulling pranks with George, but that was something he should be doing with Fred. It was time they made up. But I guess for that to happen, I had to clear the air with Fred.

I found Fred alone in the library one day and sat down next to him.
"Hey." I said, "Can we talk?"
"I'm Fred." Was all he said.
"I know you're Fred you dummy that's why I'm here." I told him.
"George wouldn't like you talking to me, you know." He looked up at me.
"Well George is gonna have to get over it then. We're talking. This whole fight thing ends now." I grabbed him by the arm and dragged him to the Slytherin common room.

"Look Fred," I started, "We need to talk about that kiss."
"I don't wanna talk about it, Y/n." He said, "I feel bad enough as it is."
"Then why'd you do it?" I asked.
"We already talked about this, Y/n!" He answered, "You told me to!"
"But why would you listen to me?" I asked.
"Because." He said, "I don't know. Maybe I had a small crush on you when I met you. But then I saw how George looked at you and heard how he talked about you. He was in love before he even knew it. And I knew that I had to just get over it. I had to let him be happy. So, I don't know, when you told me to kiss you, I kinda hoped you meant it. I hoped you knew it was me. And even though you were dating my brother, I went for it. And I feel awful. Because I care about him, Y/n. He's my best friend. And I hurt him."
"Fred..." I looked him in the eyes, "I'm sorry. I can't help but feel like I caused all this. If I knew you felt this way obviously we could have had this conversation sooner. And I'm sure you already know this but I need you to understand that I'm in love with George. You're one of my best friends, but he is so important to me. I would never want to do anything to hurt him. And it breaks my heart seeing him without his best friend. You. So please, talk to him. If not for me, then for George. I know he misses you, you just need to clear the air."
He didn't say anything, he only nodded. I took that as my cue to leave and left to go find George.

The next day I saw George and Fred talking from across the corridor. I couldn't hear what they were saying, but I could tell they weren't happy. It didn't last long either. As soon as George saw me, he broke away from Fred and walked my way.
"Can you believe him?" He asked me, "He's trying to apologize."
"What, and you're just not gonna let him?" I asked.
"No. Why should I?" He said.
I didn't mean to get upset with him. But I did.
"Why? Because he apologized to me and I forgave him. So why can't you? He's you're brother! He's your best friend!" I was raising my voice now, "He's your best friend and he's ten feet away from you and you still won't talk to him! Guess what? My best friend is dead! And not being able to talk to him sucks! It's the worst!" I was crying now.
I looked up at him with bloodshot eyes.
"I miss him." I whispered.
"I know." He pulled me into his chest, "I'm sorry."
We stood there in comfortable silence for a minute, just keeping each other company.
"I'll try." He said after a minute, "To make things right with him. For you."
"For you." I corrected him.
"Yeah, I guess for me too." He chuckled.

I was still a bit upset after that conversation. Not only did I yell at my boyfriend, but I really thought about Cedric for the first time in a while. George didn't even do anything wrong. I just sort of exploded. I didn't mean to. And now all the memories were coming back. I went straight to my room and collapsed onto my bed. No tears fell anymore, and I imagined Cedric was still here.
"Y/n?" There came a knock on my door.
"Hey Draco." I'd recognize that voice anywhere.
"Do you wanna talk about it?" He asked me.
I didn't. I wanted to stop being so fragile. I wanted to get over it.
I got up and rubbed my eyes, "Not really, but would you want to go on a walk with me? To clear my head?"
"Of course." He helped me up and we walked out together.

We just walked and talked for a while until we went our separate ways and I decided I'd go get some studying done in the library. On my way down the hallway, I ran into Harry Potter.
"You're friends with Malfoy now?" He accused me.
"I don't see how that's any of your business." I told him.
"He's a Sly-" He looked down at my green robes and stopped himself, "He's a bad person, Y/n."
"You know what Harry," I started, "no he's not. And it's really not your problem anyway. My best friend is dead and I'm not talking to my boyfriend right now. Draco's the only one I have. So what if he's not the nicest person ever, he's been there for me. And that's more than I can say for you, to be honest. I know we're not the best of friends, but you knew Cedric too. Hell, you watched him die! So you should know how bad I'm hurting but you still don't care. Draco does. All you care about is that he said a couple mean things about you and now you're bitter. Well, get over it. I'm gonna be friends with who I'm friends with. So stay out of it, chosen one."
I started to walk away, "I'm a Slytherin, Potter. If you don't like it, then I suggest you get the hell away from me."

I was so angry. I hated that people thought of me like that. Harry was just the only one brave enough to say something. I tried to own it but it ate me up inside. Everyone probably thought I was just some jerk because I was a Slytherin. I saw the way people looked at me in my robes. I heard the way Harry paused before he said something bad about my house in front of me. I wished I could just be a Gryffindor. I was in love with one, after all. I wished I could be more like George. He was so perfect. And what was I? Some dumb Slytherin. Just like Malfoy. Just like Voldemort, even. It hurt my heart to know I shared the same house with the man who killed my best friend. I felt dirty. And since I couldn't go to George for comfort, I went to Ginny. I spent the night in her room and spilled out all my emotions to her. Everything I had kept in for weeks we talked about and I cried over. I slept in her bed and tried to pretend I was a Gryffindor. For just one night, I wanted to be anything but a Slytherin.

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