Surprise Party

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Your POV:
I woke up the next morning in the best mood ever. It was my first official day of practice AND it was my birthday. I was turning 17. As soon as I walked into the Great Hall for breakfast Cedric almost knocked me over, consuming me in a huge bear hug.
"Happy birthday." He told me.
"Thanks Ced." I ruffled his hair a bit.
He handed me a teddy bear wearing a little Hufflepuff tie and a Slytherin hat. I teared up just looking at it.
"This is for me? You didn't need to get me a gift." I told him.
"But I did." He said, "That's what friends do."
"Hey maybe I'll call him Ceddy." I smiled at him and waved the bear's arms around, "You know, like teddy but..."
"But also my name." He interrupted me, "I get it. You're so funny."
I rolled my eyes at him, "He does kinda look like you."

I wanted to eat breakfast at the Gryffindor table. I knew I should probably stay at my own table, considering they were letting me join their team, but I really just wanted to talk to my friends.

I knew for a fact I had told everyone at that table about my birthday. So, I don't know, I guess I was expecting some kind of greeting other than "Hey Y/n."

I looked at Fred and George for a minute. Just hey? That's it? I didn't want to be rude or anything but did they really forget? They were my best friends! Cedric remembered.
"What's with the sweater?" George asked me. "You don't play quidditch."
I was wearing my new quidditch sweater. I guess I totally forgot to tell him I was on the team now.

I didn't answer him. Instead I went to go sit by Ginny. I didn't want my mood to be ruined, and the twins sure were getting close to doing just that.
"Hey Y/n." She greeted me. "How are you today? Oh wait, happy birthday!" She almost yelled.
I laughed at her a little.
"Thanks Ginny. I'm great. So much has happened in the last couple of days I need to tell you."

I told her I made the quidditch team. I told her I kissed Oliver Wood. I told her I ended things with Oliver Wood. I told her I kissed her brother. Three times. I told her to stop gagging. I told her that Fred and George forgot my birthday.
"Maybe they're just playing a prank on you." She said. "Or maybe they're just too tired right now and they'll remember later."
"Thanks Ginny." I told her. "It's fine though. I just thought at least George would remember."

I looked over at him. And he was looking at me. He looked confused. I smiled at him. He didn't really do anything wrong, maybe I was overreacting. But I was upset either way.

Later that day at Quidditch practice George came up to me. I guess Ginny told him I would be there.
"Kinda busy, Weasley." I said from my broom.
"Are you mad at me?" He yelled up at me. "Why didn't you tell me you made the team? And why did you move away from us at breakfast?"
"I'm not mad George." I hopped off my broom to talk to him. "Sorry I didn't tell you. Guess I forgot. But do you know what day it is?"
"Sunday?" He looked confused.
"Yeah. It's Sunday." I stepped back onto my broom and got back to practice, leaving George on the field by himself.

George's POV:
I knew Y/n wasn't okay. She was acting weird. And since she wouldn't tell me why, I knew I had to ask Cedric. I found him sitting on a bench, talking to some of his Hufflepuff friends.
"Can I ask you something?" I said.
"What about?" He asked me.
"Does Y/n seem different today to you?" I asked. "I swear something's bothering her but she won't tell me what."
"Well she's probably still upset you forgot her birthday." He answered.

Crap. I really did forget her birthday. Now how was I gonna make it up to her? The day was almost over. I felt terrible. She has been talking about it for weeks and I forgot. She must hate me. I kinda hated myself too at the moment.

I knew what I needed to do. But I was gonna need some help from Fred to pull it off. I wanted to throw her a party. I wanted to show her that people really do care about her and I needed to apologize for letting her birthday slip my mind. So I went to Adrian. I asked him if we could have it in the Slytherin common room so when she came back to her dorm from practice we could surprise her. And to my surprise, he said yes.

It didn't take us long to set up, and it was almost time for her to come back from practice. But before we all hid to surprise her, I wanted to get her something. I needed to show her I was sorry and that I really was trying to make it up to her. So for that, I went to Neville. I knew they were herbology partners so he would know what she liked if I wanted to get her some flowers. He took me to the edge of the forbidden forest and showed me a small patch of beautiful purple and yellow flowers. They were perfect. I picked a couple and brought them back to the castle with me. By the time I got into the common room and hid behind the couch, she was on her way through the halls, headed our way.

Your POV:
All I wanted to do now was go to sleep. Practice was over, the day was nearly over, and nobody but Cedric and Ginny had even remembered it was my birthday. I thought maybe I should go talk to George before I went to sleep. I didn't like not talking to him.

So instead of going to my dorm, I made my way to the Gryffindor common room. When I got there, it was completely empty. That was weird. It wasn't even all that late. So that's when I made my way back to my dorm.

I wasn't expecting all the lights in the common room to be out and it shocked me for a moment. I flipped on the lights and the room was filled with all of my friends and tons of birthday decorations. I saw George standing in the front of the crowd and I was so happy I just ran straight to him and jumped into his arms. He gave me flowers and I tried not to cry but I couldn't help it. I hugged him again. And I never wanted to let go. I held him as tight as I could until I let go and thanked him for the party.

I went around saying hi to everyone and thanked them for coming. People started leaving and soon, it was just me, the twins, Ginny, and Cedric. We all sat on the couch and just talked for a while. After a minute, Ginny pointed to the ring on my finger and asked if she could see it.
"What is it?" She asked.
"A heart." I told her. "It's my Claddagh ring."
"What's that?" She asked me.
"It's a traditional piece of jewelry Irish girls wear." I told her. "It symbolizes love, friendship, and loyalty. You wear it on your ring finger on your right hand when you aren't married and face it out to symbolize that you are single or face it in to symbolize that you are in a relationship. That your heart belongs to nobody but you and your significant other."
"So yours faces out." She stated.
"Yep." I told her. "But you'll be the first to know the day I turn it around."

George's POV:
Ginny, Fred, and Cedric eventually all went back to their dorms, but I stayed a little longer with Y/n in her common room. I wanted to formally apologize for forgetting her birthday.
"It's okay George." She told me. "You more than made it up to me. Thank you for that."
"You're welcome." I said. "I hope you know by now that I would do anything to make you happy."
"I know." She smiled at me.

We sat there together for a minute. She laid her head on my shoulder and I could feel my heart beating faster and faster in my chest.
"Y/n?" I asked.
"Yeah, George?" She looked up at me.
"I really like you. And I know I've told you that a thousand times but.. I want to be with you. It's all I want actually. I know we've had some miscommunications lately but they've all just made me realize just how much I need you with me. I can't live without you and I don't want to. And of course I love being your friend but I have feelings for you that friends just don't have for each other. Y/n. I wanted this to be so much more special than sitting on some random green couch but, will you be my girlfriend?" I started to panic. "Of course we can go on a date first if you want. And we don't even have to do anything if you don't want-"
She interrupted me before I could embarrass myself any further.
"Of course I will George." She told me. "Be your girlfriend. And go on a date with you if that's what you want." She chuckled.
I held her closer than I ever had before. I was so happy. Everything was perfect in that moment.

I held her hand and felt the cold metal of her Claddagh ring on my fingers. I looked at it closely.
"This is facing in..." I sort of questioned her.
"I know." She said. "Guess Ginny doesn't know her ins from her outs. Truth is my heart has belonged to you for a long time."

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