the Goblet of Fire

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Your POV:
I woke up the next morning, got dressed, and made my way to the Great Hall for breakfast. It was just like any other day. Except today, Dumbledore had an announcement.

He welcomed several students from Durmstrang and the Beauxbatons who would be joining us at Hogwarts for the Tri-Wizard Tournament. He explained to us what the tournament was. Whoever was selected to compete would have to complete certain tasks in order to win the Tri-Wizard Cup.

All I knew was that I wanted to do it. And I knew Cedric felt the same because he gave me a look that said let's do it. Dumbledore then explained you needed to be 17 to put your name in the running. Well, that was perfect. Ced and I were both 17.

But the twins weren't. Their birthday was in the spring. And I could tell they were disappointed. In fact, I think the whole hall could tell. They booed in protest until Dumbledore quieted everyone down. I had made up my mind. I was going to put my name into the Goblet of Fire.

Later that day Cedric and I made our way to the room that contained the goblet and wrote our names on some parchment. Right when we were about to put our names in, the twins came running in cheering. They were holding aging potions. What a couple of idiots. Hermione was sure to lecture them on this one. I made eye contact with George and he pulled me away from Cedric.
"What's that?" He motioned to my piece of parchment.
"My entry for the tournament." I told him.
"No." He snatched it out of my hand, "It's too dangerous. I don't want you getting hurt."
I snatched it right back from him. "Well I don't remember asking your permission anyway. Plus you're entering too. What if you get hurt?"
"Come on Y/n." He nearly begged, "Please."
I smiled at him. "Don't worry about me Georgie. I'm a winner, don't ya know? I'm not gonna get hurt."

With that, I made my way back over to Cedric and we put our names in at the same time. Shortly after, the twins drank their potion, hopped the age line, and put their names in as well. But they shouldn't have gotten their hopes up. Hermione was right. It didn't work. The goblet rejected them and their potion turned them old and gray. They started fighting each other on the ground.
"Y/n! Come on help me out!" George called to me.
"No way! I'm not helping you fight your brother!" I yelled back at him.

Eventually they pulled themselves apart from each other and George walked over to me. He reached for my hand but I yanked it away.
"I'm not holding hands with an old man!" I chuckled at him.
He grabbed me by the waist and threw me over his shoulder, bringing me back to the Gryffindor common room.

We sat on the couch in front of the fire for a while and talked about our day. We did that a lot. After a while, George seemed to get kind of upset.
"What's wrong, love?" I asked him.
"Nothing." He forced a smile, "As long as you promise not to die on me."
I chuckled softly.
"I promise." I linked his pinky with mine and laid my head on his shoulder.

George's POV:
We haven't been together for that long, but I've known Y/n for a while, and I was absolutely head over heels in love with her. I didn't want to admit it to anyone, they'd probably think I was insane. And I didn't want to tell Y/n either. What if she thought it was too soon? So I didn't tell her. Instead, I cherished every moment I had with her, only letting my love grow deeper, never admitting it.

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