Harry? CH 12

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"Hi I'm Harry Styles." Harry said shaking my dad's hand.

"Hello don't I know you from somewhere?" Dad asked.

"Yeah I'm from one direction." Harry said.

"Oh yeah." Dad said finally realizing it .

"Dad, Harry is my boyfriend and we are going to prom together ." I said knowing that his reaction will be priceless.

"Boyfriend ?" he asked.

"Yes dad , have a problem?" I asked knowing that it will be a problem.

"Max can I talk to you in private?" Dad asked.

"No anything you say to me you can say to Harry too." I said.

"Okay, Harry I think you shouldn't be with my daughter." he said.

"How dare you!" I said so angrily.

"Max he isn't right for you and you are going to get hurt." Dad said.

"You don't know anything about him and how he makes me feel." I said.

"I may not know anything about him but I know a lot about you." Dad said.

"You left your family in a empty house cold and hopeless. We had no money. Mom was busting her butt to make sure we had food in our stomachs. But her reward was getting cancer. The only hope we had was Stacey and her parents helping us until the government helped us with living arrangements. I have never felt that I can ever trust a man after what you did to mom because of your greedy and drunk ways of not being a man to take care of your children and treating mom like shit. I finally met a man that makes me feel like I'm important and I know will never leave me." I said.

"Max..." Dad said but I cut him off.

"I'm not done.(I saw that Harry gave a little smirk) So don't ever come near me again." I said

"Max I'm sorry." Dad said.

"Just please leave." I said crying

(Dad just ran out the door as he left I turned to Harry and we hugged I felt safe in his arms)

"Max you didn't have to defend me I take criticism all the time." Harry said.

"Doesn't mean you can't fight for the truth in their lies." I said.

"Wow that's some powerful shit." Harry said.

"Hey watch your language." I said.

"What are you going to do...spank me mommy?" he said jokingly.

"Maybe I will." I said leaning into him roughly.

"Foods here." the waitress said.

"Great I'm starving." Harry said.

"You sure you want my dad's food?" I asked.

"Sure why waste it but as long as you are paying." he said.

"Hey I kicked butt for you." I said.

"Fine but only so you won't kick my butt." he said making me giggle a little.

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