Awwwww!❤️ CH 9

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"Omg, Harry you scared me!" I said breathing heavy after the heart attack I just had.

"Sorry,babe." he said apologizing.

"Why am I hear anyways." I asked.

"What can't my girlfriend just come over to watch a movie." he said.

"Really, I came all the way over here to watch a stupid movie and be scared to death." I said angrily.

"Max I...." he began to say but I cut him off.

"No I'm not done. We spent a month and a half seeing each other and you wanna watch a movie." I went on.

"Max just let me.." I cut him off again.

"I thought you would know me by now and you wanna watch a movie. Did you know that I have a prom in a couple of days and I still don't have a date and...(I got caught off guard with Harry's kiss)

"You didn't let me explain. You just keep running that mouth of yours." he said.

"Then why am I here." I asked.

"Because I need to tell you ask you something." he said.

"Go on." I said crossing my arms

"Will you be my date to your prom?" he asked bending on one knee and holding up a rose.

"Well let me think about it." I said.(Harry's happy face turning into a frown)

"Just kidding, of course yes!" I said.( Harry picked me up and spun me around)

"Now can we eat something I'm starving." I asked.(Harry started laughing)

"Sure." he said.

For the rest of the night I layed in Harry's arms feeing safe and warm. I looked at Harry's face admiring his beauty. His eyes were light green. His lips were plump and pretty pink. His hair was flawless and long with curls. His skin(his shirt was off) was tattooed in weird but interesting drawings. His arms were meaty and chest was tough. But what I loved most was the beat of his heart as I heard it.

"Can you sing for me?" I asked.

"Why?" he asked.

"Because I want to hear your voice." I said.

"What song?" he asked.

"18 one of my favorites." I said.

( he began to sing and his voice was edgey and powerful)

"That was music to my ears." I said proudly.

"Thanks beautiful." he said.(I blushed)

"So did you rent a limo and got a suit?" I asked.

"Yep all 10 of us are going." he said.

"10?" I asked.

"Yeah, Louis,Zayn,Liam are  coming with their ladies." he said.

"Cool just bring enough champagne for that crowded limo." I said.

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