CH 63

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Thanksgiving Day

"Good morning everyone! Happy Thanksgiving!" Stacey

"Happy Thanksgiving." I hugged her

"Yum something smells good in here." Niall said taking off his jacket

"The turkey is still baking." I said hugging him

"What channel is football?" Louis asked

"4" Harry said

"Thanks mate!" Louis

"Max do you need help in the kitchen?" Liam asked

"Oh sure with the drinks and where's Zayn?" I asked

"With his family but he'll come when it's Christmas." Harry said

All the women were in the kitchen and the men watching football. Harry's dad and Gemma came just in time for the food. Turkey with pineapples, mashed potatoes with onions, gravy on the side,cranberry sauce, macaroni and cheese,green beans,corn bread for the feast.

We all sat at the table. Harry and I sat next to each other while Des and Robin sat at each end. Gemma and Anne sat next to Robin's end and Harry and I sat at Des's end. Maddie sat across from me and next to Stacey. Louis sat across from Harry and next to Niall and Liam. The twins were sleeping. We said grace.

"This is amazing Max." Niall said

"Thank you." I said

"Where did you learn this cooking from." Anne asked

"Mother taught me and carried me to classes on Saturdays and we practiced on Sundays when I was little." I said

"She wanted me to go but I was more interested in Soccer." Maddie

"Last time you made a really excellent burnt cake." I joked

"I know right,I gave it to all my enemies." Maddie smiled

"How have you been since you mother?" Des asked

"Its one step at a time." I said cutting a piece of turkey

"Max can I speak to you for a minute?"Anne asked

"Sure." I looked confused

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