Prom CH 13

38 1 0

2 weeks later
It's finally here PROM! Today I went to Stacey's house and ate breakfast with her family.

They had my favorite oatmeal and berries. Stacey had eggs and bacon with French toast.

Then we went to Stacey's room and I helped her to get ready. I did her makeup after she took a shower.

"The light blue eye shadow compliments your eyes." I said.

"Thanks I just can't wait until I do your makeup." she said.

"Just don't make me look to dolled up." I said.

"I'm going to make you look like a rock princess." she said.

"I hope so." I said.

"Wow!You look outstanding Stacey." I said.

"Thanks,babe." she said.

"Now let's get you dressed up." she said.

I didn't know what she was doing because she forced me to close my eyes right after I took a shower. All I knew was she was plucking my eye brows.

"Ok done." she said.

When I turned around I almost fell off my chair because I looked like a new women. My hair was in a bun and I had a head piece around my head with diamonds. My makeup was not to heavy but I had smoky eye shadow which complimented my eyes. Not to mention my eye brows were on flick. My lips was glossy but not to oily lipgloss. My dress was white with black flowers(like I metioned before) and just for Stacey's shake I wore white heels that were 2 inches.

"You look like money." she told me.

"Thank you for everything." I said then gave her a hug.

"No problem, now can we go meet our boys." she said.

"Let's get our party on!"I said.

We reached down stairs and we saw Niall and Harry dressed in their suits with they're matching dress tie colors.

"Gosh,Stacey you look stunning." Niall said.

"You look handsome as well." Stacey said after giving him a friendly hug.(just to mention they are not dating)

"And you look like a goddess." Harry said eyeing me from head to toe.

"Your alright ." I said.

"Wow playing hard to get." he said.

"I just wanna know if I'm worth the chase." I said smirking.

"Then no sex then?" he asked

"Shut up." I said giggling a little while smacking his arm.

"Just a kiss."  he leaned in

"Gross!" Maddie said while we were kissing.

"Shuck it up." I said.

"Mom says come to take pictures." she said.

"Fine we're coming." I said.

"Wait Max." Harry said

"Yeah." I said.

"You forgot your corsage." he said.

"It's gorgeous." I said looking at the white flower.

"Just like you." Harry said as I blushed.

"Time for pictures." Mom called.

We all took separate photos with our dates and a group one before leaving.

"Have fun you guys." Mom said.

"We will." We all said at once.

We got into a white limo and found Louis,Liam,Zayn,and their girlfriends.

"Hey you guys,nice to see you again." Liam said.

"You too." Stacey said.

"Hi my name is Perrie." A girl said next to Zayn.

"Hi,I'm Max and this is Stacey." I said.

"Hi I'm Sofia and this is Eleanor." Another girl said with brown hair.

"Nice to meet you guys." Stacey said.

"Harry you finally got a gorgeous one aye." Perrie said.

"I have been searching for the right one and I finally got her." Harry said.

"Aww." I said to him while giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"You guys look so cute together." Eleanor said.

"Tell me about it all she does is talk about him I personally think their in love." Stacey said but I elbowed her in the side(I dislike when she uses love with me and Harry)

"Maybe after all, all Harry does is talk about her to,might as well marry her." Niall said with every laughing including me but Harry wasn't.

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