CH 22

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"Max, come on we are gonna be late for our flight." Stacey said.

"I'm helping mom with her suitcase." I said.

"I just can't wait to be away from my bed." Mom said.

"The doctors said it was okay right?" I asked.

"As long as I take my medicine and be close to a doctor down there I'll be fine." Mom said.

"Why can't I come with you guys?" Maddie asked.

"Because you are grounded Missy." I said.

"Wow already practicing to be mom." Maddie said.

"Pretty much." I said.

"Maybe I should get pregnant senior year and then be rewarded with a trip to Paris with my famous boyband member boyfriend." Maddie said with sarcasm.

"That's enough Maddie." Mom said.

"Miss I don't care always has attention so way shouldn't I shine the light on her." Maddie said.

"Maddie you don't get." I said.

"You don't get how to use a condom." Maddie said slamming a door behind her.

"I should go talk to her." Mom suggested.

"No I should." I said walking to Maddie's room.

"Maddie I'm sorry." I said.

"Why are you sorry Miss perfect life who doesn't appreciate it." Maddie said.

"Because I feel sorry that you are the shadow. You deserve better." I said.

"The one thing I don't like about you is your scared." Maddie said.

"I am." I said.

"Why?" she asked.

"Because someone loves me and I keep pushing him away because I don't trust men anymore." I said.

"Not all are what you think and not all are the same." Maddie said.

"Thanks for your truth and opinion." I said.

"Someone who loves you tells you the truth no matter how much it hurts." Maddie said.

"I love you,you little rat." I said hugging her.

"I love you and I'm sorry for those hurtful words but it was the truth." Maddie said.

"That was a quick apology but that's why your grounded." I said pulling away from her.

"Just go to LA , I'll still be here with Beth and her parents." she said.

LA was amazing. We went to see the Hollywood sign and went shopping before we went to One Direction mansion rented house. It was huge for like a ball.

"Welcome." Harry said grabbing my bags.

"This place is great for a party." I said.

"I thought you would think it was a bit expensive ." Harry said.

"I'm sorry it was pregnant emotions." I said.

"Fine lets go with that." Harry said.

"I'll so you to your room." Niall said taking my bags from Harry.

The room is huge and it was Harry's room . White everything. All I did when I got to my room was lay on the bed and take a nap. After 4 hours I woke up and headed downstairs. Harry was baking?

"You bake?" I asked.

"I was working at a bakery before one direction." Harry said.

"Oh,never told me that." I said.

"Never told you a lot of things." Harry said taking out a tray from the oven.

"What is your problem?" I asked.

"You are my problem." he said.

"What did I even do." I asked.

"You never do anything wrong don't you,you always blame it on others." he said.

"Maybe because others are the ones who cause the problem." I said.

"I love you Max and I always will but you treat me like crap and i don't want to be walked all over." Harry said icing the cupcakes.

"I'm not walking on you Harry, I just can't." I said.

"Can't what?" he asked.

"I can't express love like you can Harry. I don't mean to hurt you. This is how I express love by being truthful." I said.

"And I love how true you are but it's the way you say it. You are not grateful with what you have and who you have." he said.

"I am grateful but you need to stop babying me." I said.

"Is that why you didn't want me to pay for the shower because you thought I was babying you?" he asked.

"Yes, I'm not saying you can't pay but sometimes tell me if you are instead of doing it without my input." I said.

"That's all you had to say rather than curse me out." he said pulling me in for a hug.

"I told you it was pregnant emotions but I still love you." I said.

"I love you more." Harry said.

"I love you most." I said.

"I love you all." Harry said.

"Now here's a cupcake in the face." I said smashing a cupcake in Harry's face.

"Oh,your dead." Harry said holding me by my waist and trying to smash a cupcake in my face.

"No stop." I said running away.

"No Max stop running before you hurt yourself and the baby." Harry said.

"Oh yeah." I said stopping then Harry smashed the cupcake on my cheek.

"Sorry." Harry said laughing.

"Ha ha very funny." I said.

"I wonder what it taste like." Harry said licking the icing off my face.

"Me too." I said licking the icing off his face and laughing.

"Hey stop wasting food!" Niall said taking a cupcake.

"Sorry." I said looking at Harry then we both smashed 2 cupcakes in Niall face.

"Hey,its a smashing contest." Louis said taking pies in his hands.(where did pie come from)

Next thing we knew everybody was smashing pies into each other's face. The whole kitchen was now a huge mess.

"What are you guys doing?" Stacey said looking around.

"Having fun." Zayn said smashing a pie in Liam's face.

"Stop this kitchen needs to be spotless before the chefs come here tomorrow for the shower."Stacey said.

"Fine we will clean it." I said before smashing a pie in her face.

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