CH 19

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"Harry I have something to tell you." I said in the car.

"I'm listening." Harry said.

"I'm sorry. I hope you forgive me and won't leave me." I said.

"What are you saying,Max." Harry asked.

"I'm pregnant." I said.

Silence was in the car for a period of time. Stacey was in the back seat staring back and forth at us. Harry and I didn't even glance at each other.

"Max, it's my fault." Harry said finally breaking the silence.

"Harry it's not your fault. We were so inlove we forgot to use protection." I said finally looking at him.

"Max, I ruined you chance at a good life." he said.

"Harry. You didn't ruin my life you made it better." I said.

"Max you need to love yourself before you love anyone else." Harry said looking into my eyes.

"I do love myself and I want you to know I'm safe with you."I said.

"Max, I will do anything for you to make you happy." Harry said holding my hand.

"That's why I'm letting you go." he said.

"No,please Harry don't say that to me." I said.

"Max I can't." he said.

"Is it the baby?" I asked.

"It's not the baby and its not you." Harry said.

"Harry it's not you either." I said.

"Max it's your day." he said getting out the car.

"Don't leave me Harry." I said.

"Let's go inside for your graduation." he said talking my hand.

I looked suspicious but relaxed that I told him the truth.

"I would like to thank everyone for coming." Megan said throw the microphone.

"This year has been wonderful and full of surprises and now we can step up to new beginnings and make changes in life. We will work harder to find who we want to be. It's ok to have rough starts but it ok to rise to the occasion. We-(I started talking over in the Megan)

"Harry don't leave me." I said.

"Max, I love you but-( Max Parker)

"Max Parker come to the stage." Megan said.

"Me?" I asked.

"Yes." she said.

I went up on stage not knowing my faith.

"Hello." I said into the mic.

Everyone responded with a hi back.

"These past few weeks have been crazy for me I guess and I was so happy to finally have a lititle joy in my life. I want to thank my mom who is right there in the back with my sister Maddie they took really good care of me and loved me.(I gave a little wave). I would like to thank my best friend Stacey who helped me go throw these past four years easily. But last but not least I would like to thank my boyfriend Harry.(but as I looked up Harry wasn't sitting in his seat)." I said.

"Now let's move on to awards and diplomas." Megan said pushing me out the way.(sometimes I want to punch her)

I ran off the stage looking for Harry.

"I don't know where he is." Stacey said looking around.

"I can't take this right now ,it's to much ." I said breathing heavy.

"Max calm down." Stacey said holding my back.

But all was Spinning when I was falling to the ground and lights out.

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