CH 41

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After 5sos gig Stacey called me to dress fancy because we were going out for dinner. So I took a shower then went to get dressed. I was now staying at Stacey's for a while so I didn't have much clothes. I just went in her closet. I found a nice light grey long sleeve short dress in a box that had a card that read "I knew you would." on it. Fine by me I put it on with some dark purple heels.
I put my hair in a ponytail and let down 2 strands. I only used some concelier and massacre with a dab of lip gloss. I put on a large dark purple necklace and stud earrings.

"Where are you?" I asked Stacey on the phone.

"I be there in a min!" She said annoyed.

"Ouch-sorry." I said.

I hung up an then saw a black van pull up.

"Thank goodness your-

Two people with masks got of the car. And ran to me.

"What the heck is going on!"

"Shut your trap!" The mask said

"Help!!!!!" I screamed fighting them off

"Who are you people?!" I asked as I was forced into the car and then blindfolded.

"You'll thank us later." The masks

I couldn't predict who they were because their masks were blocking their voices.

"By the way happy 19th birthday

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