CH 82

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Wedding Bell Blues

I was awoken by the sun. It's my wedding day!


I looked to see who's voice was that and nobody was there. It sounded like-

"Your mother?" I heard moms voice


I'm I going crazy?

"It's your dreams,babe. I'm still dead."

"I miss you." I saw her beautiful face

"I'm here for your wedding in spirit but I wrote a letter." Then Mom faded


"Here." She gave a letter and walked away

Dear Max,

My beautiful first born. I remember the first time i saw you. I knew you were trouble since the beginning. ( I laughed) But you were the kind of trouble nobody could get away from. You have a tough mindset but a gentle heart. When you met him that heart became open. Not broken but to actually love someone. The way he wants you and needs you is a love story untold. Your kids will have that same love to. I love you my golden child. Always remember that love is the most powerful thing.


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