Tell him CH 18

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"Max, I'm so sorry." Stacey said.

"Why are you sorry?" I said sobbing.

"This will change your life even more." she said.

"Mines? What about Harry? This will go on media and I don't want people to treat him badly." I said.

"You need to tell him Max." Stacey said.

"No, I can't this won't be good." I said.

"You can't just keep this from him you will start showing." she said.

"Who said I will be keeping the baby?"I asked.

"You are not getting an abortion!" she said.

"Why not?" I asked.

"Because you don't know if Harry will want the baby." Stacey said.

"Stacey, I can't raise a baby at my age." I said.

"It was unplanned but this baby isn't a mistake. You knew the concequences of having sex and you are going to raise this baby and love it. Don't you dare be like your dad." Stacey said.

"I will never be like my dad." I said.

"Then prove it." she said.

"I will tell Harry at graduation." I said.

"Promise." Stacey said.

"Promise." I said.

It was a day before graduation. I already told my mom about me being pregnant. At first she was disappointed but then she was excited to have a grandchild. My plans were to still go to college but have a nanny by my side. All I could think about was Harry.

"Stacey where is my cap and gown?" I said in my towel.

"In your mothers room." she said.

(I went to get my cap and gown then my phone rang)

"Hey,Max." Harry said into the phone.

"Hey,babe." I said.

"Do you want me to give you a ride?" he asked.

"Sure." I said.

"Cool meet you there in 10." he said hanging up the phone.

"Max are you going to tell him along the car ride?" Stacey asked.

"Yeah." I said.

"I know you don't like it when I tag along but can I-." Stacey said.

"Of course." I said finishing putting on my gown.

"Stacey,Max it's picture time." Mom called from down stairs.

"Ready?" Stacey asked.

"Ready." I said.

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