CH 78

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In Florida in my apartment with Stacey

Harry's Birthday

"I don't know what to do for Harry's birthday." I told Stacey

"Parties are to common now." S

"Dinner is boring."

"Wait.....a trip." S

"To where?"

"Holmes Chapel and visit his family." S

"And prepare a picnic at his favorite park!" I was excited

"Now that's a thoughtful birthday."

"It will be the first time the twins visited there.

"Yeah." Stacey smiled

I wanted to talk to Stacey about what happened to me and Harry.

"Is it weird for me to want something more out of sex?" I asked her

"Well my first time was my last so far but if it lasted with the right person then yes I would."

"If there's spanking involved?"

"This ain't no fifty shades of grey." Stacey chucked

"I wanted more of it than he did." I started  to tear up

"Max,oh god why?!"

"Because I was feeling freaky and I wanted something new." I admitted

"Harry is very mysterious. I think he wanted to but was afraid."

"He said he didn't want to hurt me."

"Your lucky enough that he loves you more than anything to actually stop himself." She wipes my tears

"Every time seems so beautiful and I felt that he stopped because he wasn't feeling me anymore."

"He will always feel you because he tells me."

"He talks to you?"

"He tells me all the dirty things he wants to do to you but doesn't know if you'll like it. He steps away because he fears. Trust me Harry is not a sweet little angel."

I finally smiled

"He talks to me about everything he's afraid to tell you. He loves you so much there's no words for it." S

I hugged her

"I love you S."

"I love you M." She kissed my forehead

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