CH 37

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"Max I gave away the tickets to another couple." Ashton said on the phone.

"Thank god- I mean really?" I said.

"I actually traded it for something else but you won't know till your birthday." Ashton said.

"A surprise? I like surprises." I said.

"Great!see you in LA." He said hanging up.

Now I won't have to tell Harry.

"Stacey!" I screamed.

"What?!" she said after stuffing her face with cookies.

"I think I might have feelings for Ashton." I said.

"Your kidding me."

"No,yes,maybe I'm confused."

"After all we've been through now is not the time."

"He's cute and sweet."

"Like the boy next door."

"Yeah and-"

"Until he kidnaps you and tries to murder you and your family."

"Not that serious Stacey."

"It is serious Max because you have a boyfriend and 2 children with him and now you want to play love triangle."

"It just happened okay!"

"Make up your mind because you know
at the end it will go wrong."

"Did I tell you he was going to take me to Australia."

"He likes you for sure,I'm done here." Stacey said leaving

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