CH 27

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"Your children are so beautiful." Olivia said.

"Thank you." Harry said.

"So how long have you been a nanny." I asked.

"I just quit from begin a nurse so this is my first." Olivia said.

"You always loved taking care off humans haven't you?" I asked.

"Yeah, I just love people." Olivia said with a giggle.(she is so disgusting)

"Will you be taking care of me?" Harry asked.(oh no he didn't)

"Of course, especially when max goes to school." Olivia said.(this bitch got it all wrong)

"Excuse you but I will be the only one taking care of harry, ok?" I said eyeing her down.

"But he picked me over you." she said.

"Keep talking cause I'm about to put this fist to work!" I said trying to jump at her but Harry held me back.

"Not in front of the children Max." Harry said calming me down.

"I'm so sorry for saying that, I was just really offended that you thought I was hitting on your hus-." Olivia said before cutting her off.

"We are NOT married!" I screamed.

"Wow. I just thought since know." Olivia suprised.

"I know the feeling." Harry said rolling away in his wheelchair.

"Harry I didn't mean to..." I said before he slammed the door behind him waking up Riley and Little Harry.

"I will just put them to sleep." Olivia said.

"Thank you and sorry that you thought I didn't trust you but I know that you are trusted from your records." I said smirking.

"Thanks!" she screamed going in for a hug.

"Not that much." I said holding out a hand.

"He needs you." she said rolling her eyes.

I walked into the bedroom

"Harry I'm sorry." I said.

"Sorry for what?" he asked trying to take off his shirt.

"You know." I said helping him

"No I don't know. Ugh!" he said trying to get off the wheelchair into the bed.

"Let me help you." I said.

"No! I don't need your help Max!" Harry yelled.

"What the hell is your problem!" I asked.

"I can't do this right now." he said.

"No I think we need to do this right now!" I screamed.

"Leave me the hell alone!" Harry yelled.

"Who are you talking to with that tone?!" I asked.

"I'm talking to you. Your a selfish and ungrateful woman!" He yelled.

"Really? I can't believe you would say that." I said trying not cry

"Max,please don't-." Harry said.

"I think I will just sleep at Stacey's tonight." I said grabbing my stuff.

"Max I'm so sorry,don't leave please!" Harry said grabbing my hands.

"I think you need time." I said letting go.

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