CH 74

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Merry Christmas (Not!)

"Hey Max!" Stacey called out for me while I was leaving the club

"I can't take it anymore, Stacey! Love shouldn't hurt like this. I'm tired of feeling lost because this who I've become isn't me. I'm wasn't meant to be a mother or wife. I feel so uncomfortable in my own skin. I just need a break." I walked away

"You always walk away Max, from everything! The world doesn't revolve around you Max. Your not the only one Max. If you want to leave this life that most people can't have than go! I'm not taking anymore bullshit. Those children need a mother and father. If one leaves than damn there goes a fire. You make a choice to be like your father or to be like your mother." Stacey

"I want to be happy." I said walking away

Christmas morning

I stayed in a motel last night. I wasn't about to go to a place I would see Harry. But then I had a FaceTime.

"Hey babies!" I said to Riley and Harold who were sitting on Harry's lap

"M-momma!" Riley

"Merry Christmas,Riles!"

"Presents?" Harold

"Um?" They were all at Harry's apartment

"Are you coming over?" Harry said with hope

"Please." Riles

"Ok I'm coming over." I said unsure

I hung up. All my clothes were at Harry's. So I had to go shopping. Forever 21

I took a bus to the local mall. Got a cup of coffee and walked into the store. Stacey was calling.

"I'm coming to pick you up." She said on the phone

"I'm in forever 21."

"Well I'll pick you up there. Address?"

"How I'm I gonna dressed?"

"At your house,duh."


I bought a green crop top and high waisted blue jeans anyway.

"Cute." Stacey looked at my outfit

"I have something better at home for the dinner."

"Your actually staying that long. Awkward."


"Harry's family is over there right now.Since you left your sister with me that's all I know."

"There will be questions."

"I didn't cancel anything, Max."

"I told you it's over."

"It's not."

"I'm not in the mood to argue."

When arrived at the apartment building. I didn't know what to do.

"You know the girl who lives next to you guys?" Stacey


"Ask her if you can get dressed there."

"No, crazy."

"Fine, I'll ask her." She pulled me in the building

At the front door

"Of course you can." Mandy smiled

Her apartment was all white and organized. Neat freak

"Hurry, Max!" Stacey

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