CH 66

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"I'll go to target, take the twins." I said

I headed in Target to get the twins some toys. I really hadn't had any money because I don't have a job. I need to finish this semester for my associates. And complete the rest with a job.

Harry's POV

"Let go to Forever 21 to get mommy some outfits." I said to the twins

We headed in F21 for some short dresses. I don't know much about women clothing but I think Max will like the pattern of the dresses.

"Harry Styles! Omg its uh..... Harry!" A girl called out

"Hey. I'm with..." I said

"Can I have a picture? And is this your baby?" The girl asked

"I can't really take pics right now ." I said

"Please." The girl said

"Sure." I said


I got Harold Jr a monster truck but I asked for it to be rapped and hold for tomorrow. Riley is the tricky part.

"Your done?" Harry asked

"Nope but I'll come back tomorrow,alone." I said

"Me two." Harry said

"Did anyone notice you?" I asked

"One girl." Harry

"Wow,your getting more and more less famous." I joked

"Funny, you hungry?" He asked

"Kids what do you want to eat?" I asked

"Really? How about Chinese?" Harry asked

Riley smiled

"Chinese it is then." I said

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