CH 50

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The next morning in Paris I woke up to a text from Harry.
"Our babies are turning 2 next month! Can you believe it?" - Harry

"I totally forgot,babe!"

"Are we celebrating with a party?" - Harry

"I think we should go to Disney World. Just the four of us."

"That's the best idea." - Harry

"Love you."

"Love you more." - Harry

Stacey and I are going to Mo Fre beach today then shopping at a shoe store.

"Ready to hit the sun?" Stacey asked

"Do I have to wear this bathing suit?" I asked

"You have a great body for a 2 piece." S

"People will be looking at me." I said

"That's a good thing." S

"You know I can't swim so I'll be having drinks at the bar." I said

"Taking advantage of your age and limit I see. Fine with me." S

We were at Mo Fre and it was biggest most beautiful beach I ever saw or only saw.

"Hey I'm a go cliff diving." Stacey said

"Whatever makes you happy." I said

There was a long line for cliff diving as I saw S run up for it.

"Your friend is crazy." A

"Don't you think I know that." I said

"You look great in that swimsuit. Why don't you show off your body more?" A asked

"Because of you perverts that watch me." I said

"I can look all I want." A

"Don't remind me." I said

"Two sex on the sea please."

"Sex on the sea really?" I laughed

"Yes." He laughed too

"Your something different." I said

"Is different good to you?" A asked

"It's everything." I smiled

He smirked

"What was my gift?" I asked

"You really want to know?" A asked

"Yeah really." I said

"A puppy." A

"Omg really that's so sweet." I said

"Here's a picture." A

He showed me a picture of a white pit-bowl.

"He's adorable." I said

"It's a girl." A

"I'll name her Maxi." I said

"Beautiful." A

"Stacey." I looked around and saw her about to jump off

"I'm going to get a surfboard be right back." A said

He walked off. Stacey jumped off the cliff as a recorded her. But after 2 minutes she didn't come up!

"God! Stacey!" I got and ran

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