CH 38

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We headed to LA for my birthday weekend. Last time we were there Harry got beat up and I gave birth. Wow such memories. I don't expect nothing much for my birthday since Harry will be away for Business.

Harry's POV

I'm throwing a secret birthday bash for Max on Saturday. I will be getting stuff together all day. Coldplay will be performing and I have a extra special surprise.

Max's POV

"Hey Ashton." I said on the phone.

"Aye How's it going?"Ashton asked.

"Nothing much, all day I have been sitting here in Harry's place bored." I said.

"How bout I take you out to a nice club?" Ashton asked.

"I don't think Harry would like that." I said.

"Who cares what he likes, you are your own person right? ." Ashton said.

"Right." I said.

"Get dressed, meet you in 20mins babe." Ashton said.

I got dressed in a short black dress with a pop blue colored blazer and my black sneaker wedges. My hair was long and curled. I never gotten fancy since prom. I should of asked Stacey to come but she was already hanging with Niall. The babies are with my mother in NYC.

"Wow, you look beautiful." Ashton said.

"Thanks." I said.

"Was that to much?" he asked.

"No, it's cool." I said.

"Hop on - I mean in." Ashton said smacking his head.

We went to a club called Lights. Ashton sat me at a bar.

"I can't drink I'm 18." I said.

"They don't have to know that." He whispered.

"You're really becoming a bad ass." I said.

"I learned from the best." He said.

"Watch it." I said giving him an eye.

"How can I help you?" The bar tender asked.

"5 shots of any, each." Ashton said.

"Each?" I asked.

"Don't worry, it's not even that strong." Ashton said.

By the end of the night I was drunk. Tripping over tables and dancing like a bum. I hate the feeling but I love that it makes me feel free.

"Are you okay?" Ashton asked after seeing me laying on the floor.

"Y-you boy did this to me." I said.

"It's not my fault your a party animal." He said.

"I think I want to go h-home." I said. I feel like throwing up.

"You can't go home like this....let's go back to my place." He suggested.

"N-no, I'm calling Harry." I said fumbling to find my phone.

"You can't go back like this to him, it's unlikely of you." He said.

"I know that...fine I'll go with (bluh).
I threw up on the dance floor

I went to Ashton's apartment which he is staying at until the gig.

"Take this." Ashton said handing me a pill and a glass of water.

"Do you ever drunk like this?" I asked after taking the pill.

"Never." He said.

"Well thanks for looking out for me." I said.

"It's not a big deal, I just care about you." He said

"Your a awesome person and someone would be lucky to have you." I said.

"But I would be lucky if I had you." Ashton said leaning in.

"Ashton don't." I said stopping him.

"I will." Ashton said and kissed me.

His kiss was so soft and his tongue tasted like sweet licker but I realized I didn't feel a spark that I thought I would have felt. Harry was the only one who gave me that spark.

"Stop!" I said trying to push him off.

"I want you Max." Ashton said.

"Stop I don't feel the same way." I said struggling.

"I love you." He said.

"Ashton please stop!" I screamed.

"Come on I want you, I always did." He said tugging me back .

"Stop! I love Harry! Please!" I yelled begging.

"Come on Max." He said kissing my neck and cupping my breast.

"Leave me alone!" I yelled kicking him in the nuts.

I ran out of the apartment not looking back. I need to call Harry. I made a mistake. I'm such a bad person. I just thought I had a crush on Ashton. I don't know if he was just drunk but that's not the sweet Ashton I knew. How will I face him for his bands gig now but how will I face Harry?

"Hello, Max where are you?" Harry answered.

"H-Harry I'm outside of Ashton's apartment." I cried.

"What happened did he hurt you?" He asked.

"Y-yes. He tried something but Harry please don't.....hello?" I asked after he hanged up.

About 10mins later a black jeep arrived. Harry!

"Harry calm down." I said facing him .

His fist was balled up and his chest was rising fast up and down. I never seen him like this.

"Where's the asshole!" Harry asked running into the lobby

"Harry don't do anything stupid." I said.

"Don't Max, I will deal with you later." He said going into the elevator quick.

I couldn't catch up to him. Oh no.

I finally got to Ashton's apartment. I saw Harry punching Ashton in the face.

"Harry stop!" I yelled trying to pull him off but he was to strong.

"I hate you Max!" Harry said through his anger.

"What?" I asked trying to take him off of Ashton.

"You hurt me so much after I loved you with all my heart. I went through pain and rejection for and by you. I love you Max can't you accept that?" He said

"I love you more than anything Harry." I said.

"Then why him? Why like him? Why come here and have this happen?" He asked after stop hitting Ashton.

"I don't know. I just wanted a little excitement in my life, I'm sorry but I don't love him." I said holding his bloody hands. I actually felt sorry for Ashton none of this should of happened.

"I think we need a break." Harry said.


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