CH 33

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The next morning I woke up with a phone call.

"Hello." I answered with a sleepy voice.

"Good morning beautiful." I heard Ashton's voice.

"May I help you for waking me up in my deep sleep?" I asked.

"So feisty." Ashton said.

"Good morning to you to." I said.

"I was hoping we can get some coffee with the guys before your classes?" He asked.

"Sure,bye." I said.

"Bye." He said with an adorable chuckle.

I took a shower and brushed my teeth before I woke up Harry.

"Harry wake up!" I screamed but he didn't answer.

I got the babies a placed them on his head so he can smell the stinky dippers. He finally woke up.

"Get up we are going out for coffee with 5sos." I said.

"Who?" He asked.

"The boys I was talking about yesterday." I said.

"Their guys?" He asked.

"Nooooooo." I said sarcastically.

"Hey why were you hanging around with other guys?" He asked.

"Because I wanted to see if they were good are not." I said.

"How did you find out about them?" He asked.

"You ask a lot of questions." I said.

"All I want to know if they a good people and if any of them were hitting on you." He said.

"I met them from my ex teacher. Who is in the band." I said.

"Ex teacher?" He asked.

"Yes, Ashton!" I said getting annoyed.

"You call him by his first name?" Harry said shocked.

"Ugh! Let's go!" I said annoyed.

I got dressed in ripped blue jeans,a white and black stripped shirt with a yellow blazer and my white and black converse. Harry wore his usually white t shirt and black jeans with black boots and a green beanie. I dressed Riley and Harold jr with matching toms and Riley with a sun dress and Harold jr with the same outfit as Harry. We just look like a happy family until paparazzi came. Shit!

"Come this way!" Harry said grabbing the stroller and skipping down the block. Ugh!! I heard Harry scream.

"Harry stop your on crutches!" I yelled .

"We need to get away from them!" Harry yelled.

"Let's go get in that essential store." I said.

We reached into the store and Harry fell to the ground.

"Shit! It hurts!" Harry screamed.

"Is he ok?" The sales lady asked.

"Does he look ok?!" I asked. Ugh!
Stupid questions.

"Be nice Max." Harry said.

"Wah!!" The babies started crying.

"It's ok." I said to them.

"I can't see the guys like this." Harry said.

"Let's just go home, I will skip it." I said.

"How are we going to go with all that paparazzi?" He asked.

"Call the police to escort you." I said.

"I'm sorry." Harry said under his breath. I could say something but I didn't.

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