|15| Hey, Dad| FINALE

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Chapter- Fifteen
Title- Hey, Dad| FINALE
Track- Zero
Artist- Imagine Dragons
Trigger warnings- like, none. Unless you count robotic legs. But literally none. I mean, profanity I guess. That's it.
Disclaimers- I do not own My Hero Academia. All characters belong to Kohei Horikoshi. I own nothing but the plot and mentioned OC'S. I reccomend listening to the song above for extra entertainment. This is for entertainment purposes only.


"You know, I've always liked the rain."


"Because it looks like the entire world is crying."

"Why would you like that?"

"Because then there's a rainbow."


Hey guys. This is kind of sad, but super cool at the same time. This book has been going crazy and I intend to edit and fix it all, but I'm still sad to see it end. But of course, this will give me more room to write my other books.

But who knows, maybe I'm not all done with NATA.

But as always, please remember to comment comment comment! I live for them, and they give me lots of motivation!

When this book is all over and done with, please check out my other two! One is a transgender Izuku, and the other is an experimentation AU. There's also a genderfluid Izuku Izumi Midoriya one-shot.

Without further ado, for the last time, let's get on with the shit show!


Izuku kicked the robot right in its head, shattering the machinery into chunks of metal with his powered up attack. The boy had a large and bright smile adorning his face, and although his chest heaved up and down with the strain, he was ecstatic.

"Mr. Aizawa, Mr. Aizawa! Did you see what I did!?" Izuku shouted up at the teachers supervising the training exercise from above. Midnight, Vlad King, Yamada, and Aizawa sat in a spectators box, making small talk. Well, Midnight, Vlad, and Yamada made small talk. Aizawa focused on his kid.

"Yeah, I saw!" Shouta shouted down at Izuku, who beamed up at him. Vlad sipped on his drink, leaning over to Yamada.

"That's your kid?"

Yamada beamed and nodded, smiling down proudly at Izuku, who was now shouting up at Aizawa about who knows what. "Yep! And I think I've finally started to make a dent in that insomnia too!" Aizawa snorted as both he and Izuku turned to look at the blonde hero.

"Not a chance," both Aizawa and Izuku said simultaneously, before going back to their shouting/conversation.

Hizashi visibly slumped at the words, crossing his arms with a pout. Vlad seemed to still be confused.

"But wasn't he your student? And when the hell did he become a half cyborg?" Aizawa turned with a disbelieving stare.

"You are oblivious as hell. My god, try checking in with the teachers' lounge gossip for once." Vlad blinked as Shouta turned back around to Izuku, yelling at the green haired boy. "Hey, Izuku, you better start stomping on that eye, I think it's starting to power up again!"

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