|10| The World Just Keeps Taking

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Chapter- Ten
Chapter title- The World Just Keeps Taking
Song- If This Is The Last Time
Song artist- LANY
Trigger warnings- severe mutilation, profanity, unhealthy coping, blood, storms, vague nightmares, voices, self depreciation
Disclaimers- I do not own My Hero Academia. All characters belong to Kohei Horikoshi. I own nothing but the plot and mentioned OC'S. I reccomend listening to the song above for extra entertainment. This is for entertainment purposes only. This book was my idea, feel free to take inspiration from it, but do not copy my ideas.

Izuku's POV

Izuku ducked in between tall standing buildings, panting and close to tears. What the hell had happened, huh?! One second he's walking home -if you could call that dusty apartment home- and the next he's standing behind a store, his teacher right there. Izuku hadn't been able to process a single word the man said when he told Izuku he had attacked someone. It didn't make any sense. Izuku had seemed to wake up from a dream, almost, and had felt lingering touches of... anger? A sense of revenge?

To make matters worse, Izuku had run away from his teacher, a pro hero. How could he go to school like that? How could he tell Katsuki, when even he didn't know what happened?

Stupid stupid stupid. Dumb idiot. You're no better than a villain. How could you attack someone? You're no hero, and you never will be. You can't even remember what happened ten minutes ago, how can you be expected to save anyone? They were all right. You should've listened to the spider lilies they left on that desk. You should've listened to the words they scribbled on that desk. You should have fallen off that roof, you should've died from that car. But nooo, you were just too selfish, weren't you? Selfish little Deku, useless little nerd. Far too selfish to be a hero. You were so selfish, that you still went to school, instead of working a full time job. So selfish, in fact, that you went out and did things, stayed away from the house as often as possible, because you were too selfish to take care of your mother. It's your fault she died, you selfish little boy-

"SHUT UP!" Izuku lost his balance and slammed into a wall, the speed from his quirk making it hurt so much more. But instead of falling to the ground and crying, he clenched his teeth and kept running. Maybe, just maybe, he could make it. He could outpace the voices. He could get away, get away and back to the only one he could talk to anymore. The only one who wouldn't see him as weak.

Oh, but you are. All you do is run away, you pathetic little boy. Run and run and run, all the way to what? Who's actually waiting for you? Not your mother. Not Katsuki. Not your friends. Not your grandmother. Not your teacher.

"N- no. Mr. Aizawa cares about me. My friends care about me, Kacchan cares about me. They'll be waiting for me. I know they will." Slimy black hands threatened to crawl up and around his throat as more and more voices joined in to laugh. Laugh and laugh and laugh. To choke him. Izuku gasped for air as he ran even faster. Still, he did not shed a single tear.

But are they? Do they really care? Look around you. You're still running, running away from everything. You're just a scared little boy with nothing but insane little voices in his head to keep him company. You're just someone who nearly had a panic attack looking at bleach. You're just someone who worries his friends, his teachers. So very pathetic, is it not? You can't even accept your own feelings. I mean, not they matter. But it's still so sad, so pathetic.

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