Quick A.N

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Hi! So, this is technically my first real book.  I have an art book, so feel free to check that out. (Oof, self advertising hurts.) This is a My Hero Academia fanfiction/Short story. All characters belong to Kohei Horikoshi except for the following ocs:
  Ibarra Itsuka.
  Ryuko Horikage.
  Karu Neito.
  Ochana Kerosena.
   If you'd like to learn more about their quirks, check out the fourth chapter in my art book. It contains info on their quirks, but the rest is a completely different AU, so ignore it. The picture above is what they look like so yeah. Whoo! I'm not really an artist, but if anyone out there is, maybe you could draw them? This will most likely never happen but OH WELL.
Now, back to business. Fair warning: I'm planning on having a maximum of 15 chapters for this book. I have little to no writing experience, so don't expect this to be good in any manner. I try to avoid spelling or grammar mistakes, but if you spot one, or have any questions, feel free to tell me so I can confirm questions or edit some things. After I'm done with this book I'll probably do some crazy editing.

  Another fair warning: I don't actually have an update schedule. I'm in sixth grade, and on Monday I'm going to be going to school for four days, and then all five again. I'm a lazy person. I'm sorry. But, I will do my best to make chapters as long as possible. The story cover is not permanent, but I have no wifi and can't go on google to get one. Speaking of wifi. I switch between two houses, and the one I'm at most of the time has zero wifi.

Trigger Warnings-
Attempted Suicide
Implied cutting
Character death
Eating disorders
  If you are uncomfortable with these things, well, viewer discretion is advised. Is that how it works? Well don't blame me if you get triggered.

Also, this is in the second year of U.A, so yeah. Also, no Mineta, Shinsou will be in class 2-A instead.

  Anyhow, I think that's all. Just keep in mind that I have a life. I will do my absolute best to update every time I get wifi. Probably won't be able to stick to that but oh well. Please comment on my chapters if you're here. Do some funny idiotic stuff or just ask random questions, like if a platypus is a bird. (It's actually a semi aquatic egg laying mammal with venomous spurs.) Also! Feel free to reccomend fanfictions. Especially Vigilante Dekus, crackhead mha fics, and Dadzawa. Here, I'll go first. A really good Vigilante Deku is Zero To Hero, a crackhead fanfic is Diamonds In The Rough and a crazy good Dadzawa is the You Are series. There is also a really good fluffy fanfic called Nii-chan! Nii-chan! (Im sorry if the places where I skipped lines don't make sense. I have no idea how to do it.) Anywho, I've kept you long enough! Adios, my guys, gals, and nonbinary pals! ⊙v⊙
Date started- 10/23/2020
Date completed- 10/23/2020
(533 words!)

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