|4| The Only Way I Can Help

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Chapter- Four
Chapter title- The Only Way I Can Help
Song- Blame It On The Kids
Song artist- AViVA
Trigger warnings- Hisashi, mentions of abuse, creepy Izuku, sick Inko
Disclaimers- I do not own My Hero Academia. All rights go to Kohei Horikoshi. I own nothing but the plot and mentioned OC'S. I reccomend listening to the song above for extra entertainment. This is for entertainment purposes only.

Inko's POV

"Oh...." That was the only thing that came out of Inko Midoriya's mouth at the younger boy's confession. Izuku had closed his eyes as if he were bracing himself for her to yell at him, or even hit him. It saddened Inko that her son she would ever hurt him, but she knew he couldn't help it. It was Hisashi's fault, he had hurt Izuku for the few months he stayed after finding that the boy was quirkless. It had been so sudden that Inko hadn't wanted to believe it. The man had gone from sweet and caring to cold and horrid practically overnight. Luckily, Hisashi had left, but he had left a mark on Izuku, both literally and figuratively, even if Izuku was only around six at the time.

Inko reached out and gently touched her son's arm. Izuku flinched and cracked open his eyes. Inko saw suppressed tears swimming in them. "Are you mad..?" It took the women a moment to realize her son had spoke. Just like her son only moments before, her stomach turned to lead.

"I could never be mad at you, especially with all the work you've put in to make it just this far." Inko stood up, despite her son's protests, and pulled him close. She pressed her forehead against his, and closed her jade green eyes. "It will get better. For now, we'll just have to.... well, I don't know what we'll do. But we can figure it out, can't we? We've just got to be optimistic, and put on a bright smile, just like-"

Inko was cut off by a sudden coughing fit, and she doubled over. It was a pained coughing, straight hacking, like it physically pained her, but that only made her hack more. Tears starting swimming in her eyes and Inko soon became dizzy. Izuku leaned over her, trying to get her to lay back on the couch. She layed back down and pulled the quilt back over her form, but not before Izuku saw drops of blood. The corner of her mouth, the floor where she had just been coughing, the inside of the quilt. Blood.

Izuku's POV

Izuku had to keep himself from screaming. It's fine, He told himself. It happens to All Might, it's just a little side effect. It can't be too serious. She can't be getting worse..... right?

"Mom. Why... why is there blood on you." It was more of a statement than a question, and Izuku had to fight to keep his voice steady. "You... are okay, right? It's a side effect, from the pill or something?" Inko clenched her eyes shut, and her eyebrows clenched in a way that told Izuku she was about to give bad news. His heart sank.

"I.... I didn't want to worry you, Izuku. You've already been working so hard, and it would have just made things worse." Izuku felt like throwing up. He hadn't even been able to tell his mother was getting worse, and, even better, it was his fault it was happening. If he hadn't worried her so much, she would have told him, and he could have gotten better medicine! "Izuku, I know what you're thinking. It is not your fault, I didn't want to make you upset. You deserve to be a normal teenager, hanging out with your friends, becoming a hero, not sitting here taking care of me and paying bills! Not to mention you're always taking care of those other teens-"

"Mom, no! I do these things because I want to. I want to take care of those kids, and I want to take care of you, even if it means working ten times harder! I swear, I'll get a new job, work full time on weekends, up my grades, help teach the other kids, whatever I can! Just- just promise me you won't hide these kind of things! You have to tell me if the medicine isn't working anymore, so I can get a better medication!" By the time he finished ranting, Izuku was out of breath. He was actively fighting the tears in his eyes, and the guilty look on his mother's face only made it worse. She looked as if she were about to say something, but Izuku cut her off.

"No, I'm going to go to the store and get you some dinner. And no, before you tell me to eat too, I can wait until lunch tomorrow." Izuku didn't seem to notice that tomorrow was a friday, and he probably wouldn't be eating that weekend. "You are going to rest on the couch with a throw up bowl..." Midoriya trifled through the practically empty cabinets until he found a small plastic bowl. He set it front of his mother and put his thin jacket back on. "I'll get some kind of Ramen, and you better be asleep when I get back. And.... I will get you more medicine, okay? I'll figure it out, don't worry." Izuku pecked her on the forehead before opening the door and locking it as he made his way out, not leaving her any room to argue.

He exhaled and watched his frozen breath form a small cloud before disintegrating. It was amusing, he thought, like a game. He walked over to a cracked shed and grabbed a bat lying on the side of it. It was cracked and jagged near the edges, small and suspicious crusts near the sharp splinters of wood. As Izuku walked to a small convenience store, he repeatedly puffed out breath after frozen breath, doing a small skip every few minutes and holding a bat over his shoulder, humming a small tune under his breath and occasionally murmuring some of the more disturbing lyrics.

"Home in bed, or out at night~"


Hi! So. I am a lazy idiot. Yet again, I wrote this in one day. The horrible thing is, it took me forever just to pick my lazy self up and write this. I had so much more planned for this chapter, but noooooo. Now I have to go and edit the chapters that I made, but just didn't write. Like, I added the parts and songs and pictures, but I didn't actually write the chapter. I am so sorry this was as short as it was, if anyone is actually reading this. I doubt anyone is, but you know, positivity. And the fact that I might have people reading it in the future. So yeah. Am I spacing the lines right? I don't know why, but I feel so damn insecure about spacing out the paragraphs. I know I made Izuku really kinda creepy and villainous at the end, but it's mostly cause he's worried about his mom and stuff. Also, next chapter totally justifies what's about to go down. So, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, to whatever poor soul stumbled across it. I have literally the worst headache. Cheers to Halloween, by the way. Creepy endings and whatnot. Anyhow, adios, my guys, gals, and nonbinary pals!
Date started- 10/29/2020
Date completed- 10/29/2020
1257 words!

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