|7| My Life Truly Is A Nightmare, I See That Now

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Chapter- Seven
Chapter title- My Life Truly Is A Nightmare, I See That Now
Song- Nightmare
Song artist- Halsey
Trigger warnings- mentions of cutting, mentions of declining mental health, death, attempted crime, swears, fighting, captive situation, suicide
Disclaimers- I do not own My Hero Academia. All characters belong to Kohei Horikoshi. I own nothing but the plot and mentioned OC'S. I reccomend listening to the song above for extra entertainment. This is for entertainment purposes only.

Izuku's POV

Izuku woke up to a sharp pain in his head and- well, actually, the pain was pretty much everywhere. As was the sweat that coated half of him, causing labored breaths to escape Izuku's mouth from all the heat. He groggily sat up and looked around, trying to rub the crusty sleep from his eyes. Ah. I remember now. I fell asleep inside of a shed. The same day I robbed a store. For the second time. Amazing.

Izuku really wanted to hit himself. He instead opted for not giving himself more of a headache and standing up. He reached for the still open yellow book bag he had used as a pillow and tied the jacket he was still wearing around his waist. It's too hot in here for a jacket. How come I never took it off? Oh right, I was too busy trying to kill myself. For some reason, Izuku found this extremely funny and let out a small laugh. He went to stand back up when he froze.

"What the heck..? That is actually the worst thing I have ever smelled in my life and IS THAT BOXCUTTER STEAMING?!" Izuku quickly kicked the steaming boxcutter away from him, slightly panicking. It emitted one of the worst smells in the entire universe, almost like some kind of toxic crap. If it was hot enough in the shed to make metal steam, then how was he not curled into a ball because of all the heat? The greenette decided not to question his luck and quickly went outside. He probably had an small fever and getting outside in the cool air might help to calm the fever down.

Cool air was the understatement of the year. As were the words small fever. Not to mention the horrid smell. Why was that still there? What the- OH MY GOD, THERE'S A PACK OF RATS EATING A CAT! The teen quickly rushed to his the house to escape from what should be absolutely frigid air. Even if he wasn't cold, there wasn't ice on the road for nothing. Also to get away from the rats. An absolutely traumatizing experience. When he came to the doorsteps, he spotted a thick and important looking white envelope, covered in condensation. He quickly stooped down to grab it, not breaking his run.

After he had made it inside, Izuku checked his tempature and find that it was skyrocketing. That probably explained the headache. And mom deals with these things all day? How does she even- Mom!

Izuku ran over to the small kitchen and grabbed Inko's pills from the dusty cabinets, as well as a water bottle, simply leaving the envelope on the counter. Just as he was about to head to the living room, he darted back to grab one of the few remaining granola bars and ran over to the couch. He set the stuff down on the coffee table and went to shake his mother awake. His hand stopped just inches from her arm as his breath caught in his throat. She was so pale. Inko seemed to be facing a snow storm with how much she shivered, and her skin looked as if she hadn't seen the sun in months. Which was.... actually pretty accurate. Sick mom plus freezing cold? Izuku did not want to see what that equaled to.

He slowly pulled his hand back and shifted himself so he sat on the floor, criss cross applesauce style. His unkept finger nails picked at the jeans of the school uniform he had failed to take off the day before. "Hey.... mom. Can I- can I talk to you? I don't mind if you sleep through it, I wouldn't want to bother you anyway." Izuku took a deep breath before continuing. He really needed to get this out, it was weighing on him too heavily by this point.

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