|8| Didn't Expect You To Love Me Anyways

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Chapter- Eight
Chapter title- Didn't Expect You To Love Me Anyways
Song- Devil Town
Song artist- Cavetown
Trigger warnings- Domestic abuse, swearing, alcoholic behavior, slight panic attack, panic attack, blood, mentions of Hisashi
Disclaimers- I do not own My Hero Academia. All characters belong to Kohei Horikoshi. I own nothing but the plot and mentioned OC'S. I reccomend listening to the song above for extra entertainment. This is for entertainment purposes only.

Izuku's POV

Izuku stood in front of four children; Ryuko Horikage, Ibarra Itsuku, Ochana Kerosena, and Karu Neito. A heavy set glare emitted from his dull sewer-green eyes as the four shuffled on their feet. Bright red tracks ran down his sticky face, his eyes red and dry. Kerosena was the first to speak, although she stuttered throughout her words.

"L- look, I- Izuku. I- I tried to help her, I s- swea-ar! I was try- trying to use my quirk, b- but she wou- wouldn't wake up! I swear, we had no idea how it happened, we really thought s- she was o- okay!" Kerosena said, trying desperately to reason with the boy in front of her. Tears mixed in with the constant flowing of the kerosene and blood dripping from her eyes, only irritating them more. "I know what it's like to lose a parent, Izuku. Even though I don't understand what it's like to lose them because they died, I do know what it's like to be abandoned. If- if I could have known this would happen, I would have saved her! We are so sorry, we just-"

Izuku cut her off as his rage started to build at her words. He couldn't bare to hear another word about how 'they should have saved her'. That was his job. He was supposed to be able to protect her. But he killed her instead. And now someone else was placing the blame on themselves?!

"Shut up! You don't know a single damn thing! My mom is dead because of me! Me! And now you're trying to tell me you know how that feels?! Because you don't. None of you know anything!" The four teens in front of him flinched at his words and Kerosena only cried harder, but Izuku couldn't let himself care. Not when every time he tried to care, it was ripped away from him.

"It is not your fault! If anything, it's ours. We're the ones screwing around all the time while you work your ass off. We should have been watching her, we know she had already tried to... to kill herself before you came here. We are so sorry it's stupid, Izuku. You've done nothing but help us, and we go and fuck it up. We swear, we will never screw up again. We- we'll stick together, we won't let anything more happen to you." Karu tried to help Izuku calm down, but couldn't do much when she started to cry as well.

The freckled teen ignored the bumblebee quirked girl and shouldered his yellow bag, taking out the food still inside it, and tossed the groceries in Ibarra's direction. Her vines caught the food as they looked at him in confusion.

"Hey, Zuku. What're you doing, man?" Ryuko hesitantly asked, almost afraid of the answer. He put on a small tentative smile and spoke in a soft voice, as if Izuku was some kind of child. The boy sneered and turned away, pulling on two fingerless gloves, covering the scars that plagued his wrist.

"What's it look like, assholes? I'm leaving. I've got nothing here for me anymore, and I can't stay here anyways. Besides, I've got to go somewhere else, I can't attend UA without a guardian. You guys can have the food." Izuku trudged down the road as his friends stared off after him, not knowing what to do or say. As he rounded the block, he finally let the tears fall as what had happened came crashing down on him.

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