|6| I Said I Was Sorry, What More Do You Want?

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Chapter- Six
Chapter title- I Said I Was Sorry, What More Do You Want?
Song- Panic Room
Song artist- Au/Ra
Trigger warnings- blood, swearing, self harm, violent assault, signs of insanity, mental breakdown, slight panic attack, thoughts of suicide, drug usage, mentions of abuse, mentioned self harm, mentioned thievery, mentioned Karen
Disclaimers- I do not own My Hero Academia. All characters belong to Kohei Horikoshi. I own nothing but the plot and mentioned OC'S. I reccomend listening to the song above for extra entertainment. This is for entertainment purposes only.

Izuku's POV

Izuku stood in front of a decently sized stone building with a ginormous logo sitting on the roof. He clutched his resume even tighter, probably leaving some creases. If they just didn't know about the video someone *cough* Karen *cough* had posted, everything would be fine. He'd work harder, and he'd be able to get more sleep since the paycheck was better. They had one tiny window of opening, and if he could just slip through, then hello to one, maybe even two, portable heaters. And, ya know, breakfast for two. Especially if he got his second interveiw right. Athough, he was cutting this really close. Class was in three hours, so if he didn't make this quick, he'd be late. Which would be bad, considering how mad Mr. Aizawa seemed to be.


He had actually freaking done it. After what seemed like a freaking eternity of almost crying and stuttering his way through two interviews, he had gotten two new jobs. He happily walked down the street, which, for once, was packed with people and rejoiced in his success. So what if the managers might have ulterior motives or had only hired him for his status as a student at UA? He had two jobs, two paychecks, and good news. For once.

But life really sucked, because, in that moment, he bummed into a certain someone with a leather jacket that sported a red logo. Oops. And the dude was also a whopping two feet taller. As Izuku sat there, rubbing his nose, the taller man turned around and seemed to identify him. "Hey.... you're that Deku kid, huh? I remember you, ya did that funny little parkour trick. Gotta admit, I was half hoping it'd kill ya." The man let out a laugh that was probably meant to be light-hearted, but was actually crazy menacing. As Midoriya looked up, he identified the man to actually be a teenager, about seventeen. He had black hair with red streaks in an undercut, and intoxicating blue eyes. He was a part of the gang that Midoriya made bets with, he had a more mental quirk.

Izuku let out a nervous laugh. Well, it was supposed to be a laugh. It came out as a sound that was more like a cat when encountered with a cucumber.

"H- hey, Tsubasa, right? I- I'm sorry for bumping into you, I uh, have to get to class, so-" Midoriya was cut short when Tsubasa grabbed his arm and tugged him behind a store, pinning the boy to the side of a dumpster. Midoriya stumbled behind him, not really fighting against it. He knew the man wouldn't hurt him, and besides, it would be going against the rules to fight. Even as he told himself all of this, Izuku felt fear steadily building up inside his heart.

"Listen kid. I dunno if you've picked up on it, but I don't like you. Always winning bets and taking money and crap. Those bets were dangerous for a fucking reason. At this point, I regret not pulling the trigger when I first met 'cha." Oh. Well then.

I seem to have been wrong about him not hurting me. This could end not so well.

Izuku's eyes widened as he tried to find a way out of his current situation. He made his eyes focus on anything but the taller man's gaze. If he made eye contact, the gangster's quirk would render him unable to think for himself. The taller man smirked and pressed down on Izuku's chest a bit harder, chuckling darkly at the short gasp he received.

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