|3| Please Don't Care About Me, I'm Not Worth It

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Chapter- Three
Chapter name- Please Don't Care About Me, I'm Not Worth It
Song- Happy Pills
Song artist- Weathers
Trigger warning- poverty, sick Inko, drugs
Disclaimer- I do not own My Hero Academia. This is for entertainment purposes only. All rights go to Kohei Horikoshi, I own nothing but the plot and mentioned OC'S. I reccomend listening to the song above for extra entertainment.

Izuku's POV

Midoriya was sat on the curb of a sidewalk, his face down. Apparently the world had decided his life was a movie, because it was also raining. Hard. Izuku couldn't care less though. He had lost all three of his jobs in one day. 'How?' you may ask. Well, turns out some person who was sitting in the restaurant is a media vulture, because they took a video of the entire thing. Thankfully, they hadn't caught his face on camera, but his other bosses had found out it was Midoriya. (Ya know, cause his name was said a million times) Not to mention he was already doing horribly. He was constantly messing up, his insomnia was finally catching up to him. Mix that with his refusal to eat, instead opting to give all the food to the kids on his street and his mother, and you can guess where that went.

Midoriya realized he needed to get going home, but as he raised his head from the sidewalk, he realized that he had been sitting there for much longer than a few hours. The sun was already rising, and if he didn't want to be late, he needed to get going. He quickly ducked behind a building to change into his school uniform, before dashing off to school.

Dadzawa POV

Shouta Aizawa prided himself on being a man of logic. He also prided himself on knowing when something was going on, and what it was. So you can understand his frustration at knowing something was wrong with one of his top students, Midoriya, but not knowing what. It was almost the end of class before lunch, and for the third time that week Midoriya was falling asleep in class. Aizawa sighed. He did not get paid enough for this. "Midoriya." The greenette didn't pay any mind. The tired man sighed again. It was too early to be yelling at his resident problem child. "Midoriya! WAKE UP!"

This time, the teen jolted up, looking around before realizing where he was. For the first time, Aizawa saw deep, dark circles sitting under his eyes. "S-sorry, Aizawa sensei! I-it won't happen again, I-i swear!" The teen nervously apologized. "That's what you said the last two times, Midoriya." Aizawa said, exasperated. "You'll be staying after class, I need to talk with you." Midoriya looked down, and Aizawa saw that tears were beginning to take residence in the emotional boy's eyes.


It was after class, and Midoriya was standing in front of his homeroom teacher's desk, nervously shifting his weight from one foot to the other. Aizawa looked up from the papers he was grading. "Midoriya..... what's going on? And don't give me some crap excuse that you're fine. You're obviously not." If it was possible, Midoriya got even more nervous. "B-but I am fine! I swear, this is the last time, I just stayed up late training last night!" Aizawa sighed. Did I really expect him to admit he's not okay? This kid would lie about a life threatening injury so long as was convenient to someone else.

"Mom- fired- medicine- expelled-" Aizawa realized his student had started mumbling. As with every time the boy started up this habit, he was talking very fast, but Aizawa managed to make out a few words. Expelled? Why would he be- wait a damn minute. He mentioned his mother. Aizawa had finally figured something out, and he was determined to exploit this oppurtunity. "What's this got to do with your mother, problem child? You also mentioned medicine. What's really going on?" Midoriya flinched. He obviously hadn't expected Shouta to hear what he was saying.

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