|2| Made One Mistake

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Chapter- Two
Chapter name- Made One Mistake
Song- Karma
Song artist- AJR
Trigger warnings- Insomnia (is that a trigger? Oh well, it's unhealthy, so), Karen
Disclaimers- I do not own My Hero Academia. I own the ocs. All rights go to Kohei Horikoshi. I own nothing but the plot. Do not replicate any of the suicidal/ depressing actions or thoughts used by characters. Do not replicate any mental and physical unhealthy actions. I reccomend listening to the song above for extra entertainment. This was edited a lot.


As Midoriya tugged on his work uniform, he thought about how he had even been roped into this mess. It had happened too fast for Izuku to remember it at the time, but he eventually put together the bits and pieces later on to understand what had happened. After the fight with the Yakuza, he had been let out of the hospital fairly early, as Eri had rewound all his injuries during the fight. He had arrived at the dorms to find his class worried and anxious. Apparently, some news anchor had caught the fight on T.V. Ya know, the part where Midoriya was surrounded by toxic green lightning as he used his quirk to it's full extent, fighting the ginormous monster that was Overhaul, a small girl tied to back with a cape who was also using her quirk. He had assured his class that he was fine, Eri was safe, and yes, the other students involved in the raid would live to tell their side of the story and various fights.

  It wasn't until he had settled in his room for the night and was just falling asleep that he realized that he had been on the news. Which meant his mother had seen him fighting. Which meant she was probably worried to death. The next morning, he quickly ran over to his mother's house, fully expecting her to run over to him when he arrived, crying her eyes out from relief. He did the same thing enough to know that was probably how it was going to go. When he had arrived home, though, his mother did not come running up to him, crying her eyes out in relief. She did not come running up to him at all, and there wasn't a single tear either. She wasn't even there at the entrance, or in the kitchen making breakfast. He would have assumed she had left the house, but the car was still in the parking lot, and the door was unlocked. Inko would never leave the door unlocked if she left the house, she was too anxious for that.

  He looked around the small apartment, deciding that his mother just hadn't heard him come in. He didn't see any sign of her until his eyes glimpsed into the cleaning closet, the door slightly ajar, for barely less that a second. He had quickly done a double take, and had nearly collapsed onto the floor at what he saw. His beautiful mother was lying on the floor, unconsious, her normally flushed face a paler white than his own pillow, a jug of bleach spilling out onto the floor. He had started helplessly crying like he was four again, but refused to accept what had happened. He shook her, she was simply asleep, he told himself. The green haired woman would never actually drink the bleach. She had passed out from exhaustion, she was worn out from work and had simply dozed off while sitting on the floor, something else had to have happened, anything but her drinking the bleach. 

  When he finally came to his senses, accepting the fact that for some reason his mother had drinken bleach and she would not wake up just by him shaking the woman, he called an ambulance and the doctors rushed her to the emergency room. Fortunately, they managed to save her. Unfortunately, it was only by a hair. Inko was sick. Very sick. She needed expensive medicine and combining that with the hospital bill and Izuku finding out about the overdue bills, they wouldn't be able to pay it all off with only the remaining savings in Inko's bank account. 

  As soon as Inko was let out of the hospital, Izuku did the only thing he thought he could. He called into UA and told them he was going to live at home again until further notice. He never gave them any more information than that, he was completely fine and didn't need others to worry about him. The teachers never pressed the issue too much after a few tries of trying to pry it out of him. Midoriya applied for as many part time jobs as he could handle, ending up with three, each two hours long. Usually he only had one a day after school, sometimes two, but not long after summer break started they were kicked out of the apartments, and Izuku had been forced to find them a new house.

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