|13| A Place To Call (Temporary) Home

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Chapter- Thirteen
Title- A Place To Call (Temporary) Home
Track- Faded
Artist- Alan Walker
Trigger warnings- Mentions of triggers, poverty, profanity, mentions of Karen, mentions of dead character, extreme DadMic and Dadzawa, class 2-A back (for real this time)
Disclaimers- I do not own My Hero Academia. All characters belong to Kohei Horikoshi. I own nothing but the plot and mentioned OC'S. I reccomend listening to the song above for extra entertainment. This is for entertainment purposes only.


Hey guys! I'm gonna do this, because I can. It's fun. Anyways, due to technical difficulties with Wattpad and stupid verification, I can't comment or reply to comments. I can write and publish though, so yay. Anyways, imma respond to some comments here. I don't remember usernames and am too lazy to go look them up, so you know who you are.

Thank you to all the people who said happy birthday in chapter 12! It means a lot! Oh, that's funny. I turned 12 and it was chapter 12.

I would love to be your music friend. All the way.

Cupcakes, since I know you. I- you're as bad as I am with criticizing Disney movies. Shush. Also, I posted your OC and book cover you requested in Random Shit. I dunno if you saw it. T-T

Yes yes and yes to all the plural things. The plural of house is hice, because the plural of mouse is mice. The geese one is also correct.

Eri cannot rewind the legs. For one thing, she can't control her quirk. For another, I don't know if rewind necessarily means regeneration. Also, because plot. Besides, don't you wanna see a cyborg Izuku?

I got my first "please update" comment. I loved that. Doesn't mean you people get to spam me (more than I'm already being spammed) but I'm so happy you people are enjoying this! I know other authors find it annoying, but I honestly don't mind as long as you're commenting on the events in the actual story. The occasional "please update" comment doesn't bother me, so don't think I'll be annoyed! Thank you to that person!

I do believe that's all the comments I received in chapter twelve. Also, please check out the oneshot I published! It's called "Tuesday A Boy, Wednesday A Girl, Friday A Them". To the person in college. You shall be impressed by this more than you already were.

It's something like 19,760 words..... haha?

Anyways, please check that out! It's a genderfluid Izuku, and I think it turned out okay! Almost every scene is him coming out, but tons of crack and fluff and all around good moments. (I think it's funny at least)

I know I should have posted Most Girls, but this has been getting so much attention and I didn't want to put it off even longer.

Before I forget. The amount of views and votes and the amount of followers.

Thank you guys so much! I'm so happy that people enjoy this and I honestly never expected to make it this far! As celebration, I'm gonna update the cover (Again). So without further ado, enjoy the story! Don't forget to vote (if you want) comment, and blast the music at full volume! (I don't care about my hearing. If you value yours, take out the earbuds. It's a family friendly song, I promise)

(NOTE: please vote for the next update at the bottom A/N! No ones been doing it, and I need to know what to write next! Please and thank you!)

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