|11| Why Do You Keep Caring? Just Let Me Waste Away

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Chapter- Eleven
Chapter title- Why Do You Keep Caring? Just Let Me Waste Away
Song- Paralyzed
Song artist- NF
Trigger warnings- profanity, blood and gore, anxiety, near death experience, severe mutilation, detailed murder plans, overprotective Dadzawa, Oc's
Disclaimers- I do not own My Hero Academia. All characters belong to Kohei Horikoshi. I own nothing but the plot and mentioned OC'S. I reccomend listening to the song above for extra entertainment. This is for entertainment purposes only.

Aizawa's POV

Shouta sat his desk grading papers, occasionally taking the precious time out of his day to answer his husband's texts. He groaned the second he got to Ashido and Kaminari's papers, contemplating hiding in his sleeping bag so he didn't have to read them. He didn't hate his students, it was just so damn mind-numbing reading their papers. He swears, they write humongous and sloppy just to take up space.

The (very, very) tired man was shaken out of his thoughts by the first student walking through the door. He frowned, thinking Iida usually came in thirty minutes later than this. He looked up to see it was instead Bakugou walking into the classroom, slouching with his hands stuffed into his pockets. At first glance, the angry teen seemed normal, but Aizawa knew better. The blonde's eyes were a subtle red, and his scowl lacked it's usual malice.

Shouta weighed the pros and cons of confronting his student. Pros: he could potentially find out what was wrong with Katsuki, and, by extension, perhaps Midoriya (the kid hadn't left his mind since he woke up), he could save the other teachers from Katsuki's rage (he didn't really care, but then Mic would have to make him coffee), and.... no, not much else.

Cons: he gets yelled at (Shouta had a headache), he gets cussed at (Shouta didn't feel like hearing Iida reprimand Bakugou), Bakugou blows up the desks, and, by extension, the classroom (Shouta didn't care too much about that; the classroom was pretty much everything-proof), and..... more than he cared to think up. Definitely more cons than pros to confronting Bakugou. It was settled.

He was confronting Bakugou.

God, I am so dumb if I'm actually about to do this.... oh wait, I am doing this, so, by extension, I am a dumbass. Well shit.

Shouta sighed and began to stand up, preparing to deal with Bakugou's cussing. However, the blonde beat him to it, walking to the teacher's desk after a few moments of just standing at his desk. Aizawa raised his eyebrow, confused, but settled back into his seat. This is good, he reminded himself, now there's less of a chance he's going to start screaming and swearing. Shouta pushed his papers to the side as he looked up at Bakugou.

The boy in question messed with his hands, biting the bottom of his lip. "Hey, um..... eyebags. Do you, uh... do you know where Izu- Deku is?" Shouta frowned at the slip-up, knowing that Bakugou usually called Midoriya by his first name these days, instead of the rude nickname. He brushed it off as the child not wanting to seem weak or anything.

"No, I don't. I was actually wondering if you could help with that piece of information. I know you and Midoriya are- somehow- friends again, so.... do you know what's wrong with him?" Bakugou clenched his fists and looked to the side, seeming as if he were internally fighting himself. Shouta kept quiet, clasping his hands together across the desk.

"I- he made me promise to never tell anyone." Aizawa rolled his hand in a gesture for him to continue. "So I won't. Not by a long fucking shot. It's his story to tell, not mine." Shouta sighed. Of course things wouldn't be so easy.

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