|9| You're Finally Seeing The Ways I'm Hurting

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Chapter- Nine
Chapter title- You're Finally Seeing The Ways I'm Hurting
Song- Boy In The Bubble
Song artist- Alec Benjamin
Trigger warnings- Fighting, blood, swearing, mentions of Corona, mentions of Karens, signs of MPD (Multiple Personality Disorder)
Disclaimers- I do not own My Hero Academia. All characters belong to Kohei Horikoshi. I own nothing but the plot and mentioned OC'S. I reccomend listening to the song above for extra entertainment. This is for entertainment purposes only.

Izuku's POV

Izuku sat on a beat up mattress, reading a book. He hadn't bothered to unpack his things except for the bandages, which he had used to wrap up his arm. He knew he should discuss things with Katsuki before making up a permanent residence. He was currently on the top floor of a dusty abandoned apartment, the window to the left of the bedroom he was in broken. Thankfully, he wasn't the one to shatter it. He didn't really know why the place hadn't been torn down yet, but he was grateful either way.

A sudden ding from his phone jolted Izuku from his thoughts as he received a text from Katsuki.

Huh. Speak of the pomeranian and he shall appear.

He opened his phone and scrolled through the multiple texts Katsuki had sent at once. Some memey, some serious.

'*Kacchan sent a gif of a Karen*'
'Where are you nerd?! Are you okay?'
'Answer me or I will blow your ass up!'
'Izzzzzzuuuuukkuuuuuuuuuuu. Answer meeee!'

Izuku laughed as he shot a quick text back to Katsuki, letting him know he was at the apartments. He laid back down on the mattress, staring up at the caving roof. There were dark spots wet with leaks, and small holes that gave away the evidence of termites. It smelled of dust and rot, and the lingering burning of the electrical outlet that had shut the place down. Cockroaches darted in between crevices and cracks. Izuku smiled.

It was amazing.

There were no prying questions, no screaming, no insults or people blaming him, nor were there people laughing at him. No mocking, no voices. No blood, no screams. No blades, no glass. Just silence and a destroyed room, that was actually strangely pretty.

Beams of dusty light streamed through clouded windows, and in between boarded ones. The scuttling of small mice in the walls gave a rhythmic pattering, always constant. The odd singing of multiple birds chirped into his ears, and Izuku liked to imagine they were having a conversation, talking to him. He replied back a few times, sometimes out loud, sometimes in his mind. They could hear him either way.

Izuku kept on a soft smile, not for show or to convince himself of anything. It was just there, something he wasn't even aware of. He sat up and stretched a bit before grabbing an unused notebook, one he had planned on using for analysis. He decided that he didn't really need more analysis books, so he grabbed a pencil, walked over to a window, and began to sketch the vine growing up the side of the building. It was multiple different shades of green, with white orchards blooming in the crevices and folds. The thorns were almost completely hidden by the flowers, and had pale blue veins running through them.

After around an hour, Izuku paused his sketch and checked his phone, scrolling through the more recent news. There was no word of his grandmother reporting his disappearance in the last few hours. Good. Bet she's too scared to call the cops.

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