|1| How Did This Happen?

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Chapter- One
Chapter title- How Did This Happen?
Song- Overwhelmed
Song artist- Royal & the Serpent
Tigger warnings- depression, anxiety, implied self harm, attempted suicide, implied poverty
Disclaimer- I do not own My Hero Academia. I own no characters save the ocs mentioned in the previous chapter. All right go to Kohei Horikoshi. I own nothing but the plot and ocs. This is only a fanfiction. This book is for entertainment purposes only. Please don't replicate any suicidal/ depressing actions and thoughts. I advise you listen to the song above, extra entertainment.


Izuku Midoriya is a good kid. A great kid, in fact. He's saved two little kids from big time villains, defeated Hero Killer Stain, and survived two villain attacks in only his first year at UA, the top hero school in the country. You wouldn't expect him to have three part-time jobs, an impossibly sick mother, and to live in a dingy rat infested neighborhood, fighting tooth and claw just for dinner. You wouldn't expect him to make money by doing street performances with a break dancing group, or winning bets with the many gangs in the neighborhood. You certainly wouldn't expect the hero-in-training to commit petty theft to provide for the four other poor families that live on his street.

But it's all true. He lives in a poor neighborhood where no one has a decent job and there isn't a single hero, not even an underground one. The kids there have only been to the city once or twice, and none of them have both parents. One girl doesn't have either. They regularly have to fight off the vermin trying to take their food, and consider a single dollar a fortune.

This is Izuku's home. And, if his teacher doesn't find out what's going on soon and save him, it may be his deathbed. I mean, is it really his fault a piece of the ceiling crashed onto his legs and completely shattered them?

Izuku's POV


Izuku jolted awake. Huh? What's going on? "K- Kacchan! W-what? Why'd you yell at me? Where is everyone?" Midoriya looked around the classroom, and saw that no one was there, save for Bakugou who was sitting at the seat in front of him. He didn't remember what had happened. One minute he's listening to Mr. Aizawa talk about quirk biology, the next he's woken up by a rogue Katsuki screaming in his ear.

"Yeah, well, not my freaking fault the four-eyed sonic told me to wake you up. Or that the stupid teacher didn't do it first. Something about 'it's his own fault when he has no idea what the answers to the next test' or whatever. Just get your crap and go." The crimson eyed boy spat, seemingly annoyed. But Midoriya liked to think that if Katsuki really didn't care, he wouldn't have woken Izuku up in the first place. "Y-yeah. Well, uh, thanks for waking me up. It was super nice of you, Kacchan!"

"Tch. Whatever, nerd."

Izuku quickly packed his stuff into his bag before realizing Bakugou was still staring at him. "Uh... D-did you need something, Kacchan? Ah! Did I do something wrong?! I-I'm sorry if I did! I-" Luckily, Bakugou snapped out of whatever trance he was in and interrupted the freckled teen.

"Oh shut up, ya damn nerd. I... I was just making sure you didn't somehow break your damn arms or some other bone. Again." Izuku rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. "Ah... sorry. W-well, I'm going to get going now. I need to- ack! I'm gonna be late! Anyways, bye Kacchan!" And with that, Izuku ran out the classroom to the exit of the school. On his way out, he thought he heard someone mumble something along the lines of 'adorable idiot' but his ears must have been playing tricks on him.

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