|5| I Didn't Want To Hurt Anybody

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Chapter- Five
Chapter title- I Didn't Want To Hurt Anybody
Song- Poison
Song artist- Cavetown
Trigger warnings- theft, self depreciating thoughts, gore, declining mental health, signs of slight insanity
Disclaimers- I do not own My Hero Academia. All characters belong to Kohei Horikoshi. I own nothing but the plot and mentioned OC'S. I reccomend listening to the song above for extra entertainment. This is for entertainment purposes only.
Also! Important! This chapter is hereby dedicated to XxFantasy_LandxX, who is the author of Zero To Hero. Check her book out.

Izuku's POV

Midoriya wasn't cold. It was a strange thing to say, because the air outside was frigid, each passing day of winter becoming colder than the last. But even with a thin coat as his only source of warmth, the freckled teen didn't feel a thing. He was running on too much adrenaline. He knew what he was about to do. He knew it would make him no better than any random thug, even if Izuku's actions were somewhat justified. But he couldn't find it in himself to care all that much right now. Midoriya puffed out yet another frozen breath as his red boots crunched over the broken ice that lay on the dirty road. He threw up his hood as he got closer to the store and looked around the entrance of it to see if there were any security cameras. Spotting one, fortunately turned away from him for the time being, he powered up One For All.


The sole security camera clunked to the ground and Izuku stepped onto it on his way to the entrance, twisting his foot onto it and crushing it underfoot. He jiggle the door to the store. Locked. And it had quirk resistant security, so there was no way he'd get in that way without setting off an alarm. Speaking of alarms.... Izuku looked around for any other security cameras, but upon spotting none, he returned to the task at hand. Midoriya was suddenly a lot prouder in his decision to grab the bat. He stepped up to the ginormous window close to the exit.

He raised his arms.

He swung the baseball bat.

Glass flew in a million different directions, some peices flying outward to peirce the pale skin of a boy with green hair and four freckles on each cheek.

Two red boots stepped over the fallen shards of glass, crunching it underfoot. The crushed glass was quickly followed by bright beads of shiny red droplets, staining the once spotless window shards.


Was it messed up for a sixteen year-old hero in training to be robbing a convenience store? Mainly one that sold prescribed pills? Yes. Yes it was. But let me ask you this. Wouldn't you also think it was messed up for the owner of said store to pay his employees little to nothing, instead choosing to take advantage of the wealth he made from the expensive medicine for personal desires? Because Izuku certainly thought it was. He thought it was a wonder anyone dared to call the man 'generous'. Midoriya knew he shouldn't be thinking of people in such a manner, as a hero in training, but he honestly believed the man was a greedy pig. Although he would have loved to use some more creative language.

Midoriya walked around the store, peering at the items and eventually finding some plain black felt masks and putting one on. After all, you can never be too careful, right? He approached the door to the back of the pharmacy section and found it padlocked. With a sigh, Midoriya swung his bat with a small boost of his quirk and knocked the lock clean off. Only when a stinging in his arm flared did he realize that he had glass in his skin, the shards having managed to make it through the thick fabric of his jacket. He stared at the small peices in surprise, and as he felt his face stretch to match his expression, he felt another sting. He reached up to his face and the fingers came back bloody.

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