|14| The Father I Never Had, The Father That Will Finally Love Me

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Chapter- Fourteen
Chapter title- The Father I Never Had, The Father That Will Finally Love Me
Song- Two Of Us
Song artist- Louis Tomlinson
Trigger warnings- Grave, time skips, talks of adoptions, what the actual fuck moment, prosthetics, panic attack, nightmares, crying, adoption, dead person point of view
Disclaimers- I do not own My Hero Academia. All characters belong to Kohei Horikoshi. I own nothing but the plot and mentioned OC'S. I reccomend listening to the song above for extra entertainment. This is for entertainment purposes only.


So. I cannot take a break for the life of me. This is technically the last chapter, but there is one more after this that serves more as an epilogue. So, I've realized how much time has gone by with my time skips, so I'm gonna edit this to be starting off in their first year still and then going on to their second year.

So, this is late for Valentines Day, but I did do an update for Most Girls for Valentines Day. I know I say this a lot, but if you guys are interested, please check out Star Light and Most girls. They both have three chapters out, which isn't a lot, but I'll be focusing on them a lot more once I finish with this book, which is why I've been writing so much so fast.

But wow, I can't believe it's almost over! I started this a really long time ago, but it still feels like it's gone by so fast. I am happy to say that my writing has definitely improved, though.

Fair warning. This chapter has excessive amounts of fluff and overall good nature. There is also a time skip. Oops? Also, good stuff. The best thing. The shit I've kept you all waiting for. Wanna guess what they are?

Yes. There are two things.

But without further ado, on with the shit show!

Dadzawa's POV

Shouta Aizawa would love to say he was having a good past four months. He would love to say that Izuku Midoriya was recovering from whatever the hell had happened during these past few months. He would love to say Eri wasn't scribbling on the walls all the time.

He would love to say that. Doesn't mean it's true.

So, the damage count would be; eight nightmares, three to four panic attacks, seven nights of crying that almost ended in panic attacks, and five sick days where Izuku had eaten too much food for his body to handle. And no, Aizawa did not care that the child was trying to be polite. Doesn't mean he gets to make himself sick because of eating disorders.

Oh, and Izuku rarely made it to the toilet.

But right now, the man was just focused on trying to get the kid to react to something- anything. Izuku Midoriya sat in a wheelchair, as he had been for four months now, and stared at a small but elegant gravestone.

Ah yes. They were in a graveyard. A small amount of people were scattered throughout the place, but no one was close to the two. Shouta Aizawa also looked at the gravestone for a moment.

Inko Midoriya, age 38, it read. June 22, 1992- November 12, 2032. Shouta kind of hated the fact that Midoriya had lost his mother so long ago, and he hadn't noticed until the kid's legs were cut off. Okay, so he hated it a lot more than kind of.

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