Chapter 46

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Clearing my throat gently, I sit back into one of the rather uncomfortable plastic chairs sitting in the waiting room of our local hospital. My hand rests feverishly on my stomach, seeking comfort from my unborn baby as I gently rub circles on my (not yet formed) baby bump and watch the names flash up on the screen, waiting for my own name to pop up and tell me where I need to go. Despite how anxious I am, excitement bubbles away in my gut, a giggle leaving my lips at how happy I am that Toya is here to experience this with me.

Unlike last time.

A small hum leaving my lips as I remember my first ever appointment when I was pregnant with Hiro. I thought I would have to go alone, since my baby daddy was away causing havoc somewhere else, but Fuyumi and Shoto ended up joining me at my appointment instead (telling me they were there for support). I had to keep telling Shoto to stay by my head, not really wanting him to see things that he shouldn't, and just ended up having him hold my hand so he didn't wander around the room like a curious eleven year old would. Fuyumi, bless her, kept on asking so many questions that I couldn't even remember half the answers the doctor gave her.

As much as I love both Fuyumi and Shoto, having the father of my child with me and experiencing the appointment too made me feel ten times better.

Beside me, trying not to look too nervous, sat Toya. His turquoise eyes looking around the waiting room and wincing whenever the screen beeps with someone's name. Trying to ground himself, he would have an arm wrapped around my waist with his hand resting on the baby bump protectively. As if something would happen. Smiling gently, I smush my cheek against his shoulder and nestle into his warmth, knowing his tense Toya can get about hospitals and doctors offices.

He didn't exactly have the best experience with doctors growing up...

From what I know, because Toya doesn't really like to talk about his childhood, when he developed his quirk and Enji took him to the doctors after seeing his body react negatively to the fire, the doctor had explained to that Toya had developed a quirk that wasn't something he could handle. Crushing his dreams. Telling him that he couldn't be what he wanted to be. Which then, once realising Toya couldn't be the hero that Enji wanted him to be, Enji kind of shunned him and refused to let him train. That's what I know, anyway, there could be more to it that Toya isn't telling me...

Toya saw doctors only giving bad news...

Gently, I lace our fingers together and press reassuring kisses to his knuckles making him chuckle gently and kiss my head as he holds me close. His eyes gently flit to my stomach and he takes a small breath kissing my cheek. He couldn't believe it, after all. That he was going to be a dad again. That he could finally make up for the time he left me and raises our new baby without any hiccups. I don't think I've seen him this happy ever...

As the screen beeps again, my name flashes up making me smile and beckon Toya to come with me. The male squeezes my hand gently, sending me a smile as we walk toward the given room. After knocking on the door, we both walk in and I smile gently toward my OBGYN who helped me through my first pregnant with Hiro.

She and my mom were quite close, from what she's told me. She helped my mom through her pregnancy with me. Doctor Yamamoto is a kind woman who's quirkless, she has soft black hair curled into beautiful ringlets and vibrant green eyes with beautiful dark skin and freckles all over her cheeks, nose and forehead. She has been nothing but supportive during my first pregnancy and was always a call away when I needed advice with Hiro. I haven't spoken to her in a good while so it's so nice to see her after so long.

As soon as her eyes land on me, she giggles and pulls me into a tight hug which I happily return. The woman happily kisses my forehead before shaking Toya's hand and letting me change out of my regular clothes and into a hospital gown before I hop onto the table and get myself comfortable.

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