Chapter 25

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Hiro wasn't very happy with Enji in the slightest bit. That was clear enough.

As soon as we arrived home from the grocery store, Hiro went straight to his father and sat on his lap with a small scowl. His arms crossed over his chest and a small angry look in his eyes. Fuyumi sat there hiding a small giggle, biting her lip as Hiro makes a small huff. Shoto arching a brow toward me as I walk into the house holding multiple grocery bags, a small smile on my lips. Natsuo couldn't help but laugh, he looked too adorable!

"Did mama say no to buying you candy?" Dabi asks arching a brow, snorting to himself as Hiro shakes his head and I walk in with a small smile, "What's up little man?"

"Can you kick Papa's butt?" Hiro asks looking up at Dabi making him freeze, looking toward me as I bite my lip with a nervous smile. Shoto instantly sat upright, looking toward me worried as I set the bags down on the counter, Natsuo staring at Hiro worried, "Pretty please?"

"What did he do, bud?" Dabi asks, running his fingers through his hair, kissing his forehead as Hiro snuggles into him, letting the child play with his shirt, "Tell me what happened,"

"He was mean to mama," Hiro says snuggling, pouting to himself as he fiddled with Dabi's shirt making all eyes shoot to me. I send them a small smile as I pour some candy into bowls and set them on the coffee table, "Mentioned mama's mama too,"

"What happened?" Fuyumi asks worried, rubbing my back as I sit in between Natsuo and Fuyumi, resting my head on the males shoulder as he kisses my forehead. Natsuo pulls me close and rubs my arm as I sigh into his jacket, "Did he hurt you?"

"What did he say?" Shoto asks, taking a bite from the candy on the table and smiles gently as Hiro jumps into his lap so Dabi could kneel in front of my and holds my hands, the scarred male gently rubbing the back of my hands with his thumb, "Did he hurt Hiro?"

"Tried to," I reply softly, looking down as everyone hitches their breath, staring toward Hiro before Dabi races to him to check him over, making sure there wasn't any burns or bruises or cuts on the boy, "I stopped him before he could,"

"What happened?" Dabi asks, a lot more louder and a lot more angry, taking a deep breath as he looks toward me, "Tell me what happened, now,"

"Hiro showed your father his quirk, and your father said something about training him... Hiro told him that his daddy was training him and that's when all shit hit the fan," I explain, gulping gently as I see a flicker of anger across Dabi's turquoise eyes, his father never brought the best out of him, the male clenching his fists, "He thought I was having an affair, and I may or may not have pissed him off more by telling him that I'm sleeping with someone, never said who,"

"Bet he didn't take that well," Natsuo says with a small chuckle, trying to make light out of the situation, wanting to make the tension lift slightly to not scare Hiro, "Then what?"

"He threatened to take the house, but I told him that it didn't matter. That I have more money than I did when I was pregnant and I'm not some vulnerable and frail girl," I explain, rubbing my temple gently, a small headache beginning to form from all the stress that today has brought me, "Then he went and started insulting me and how I wasn't good enough for you, that I should have been a one night stand and nothing more,"

"He really tried all the tricks in the book to get under your skin," Shoto hums, chuckling gently as Hiro happily nibbles on some candy.

"He did. He even tried to hurt Hiro to trick me into telling him who this 'mystery guy' was, I didn't yield... I used my quirk to get Hiro out and told him to wait outside with the nurse," I explain, watching Dabi's shoulders tense up, running his fingers through his red and black hair (his roots were showing) and shaking his head, "We argued back and forth some more and then I left... oh! But not before he insulted me and told me that my mother wasted her life on me... that I wasn't worth dying for..."

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