Chapter 47

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Leaning back into the couch, I smile to myself as I watch Hiro sit at the coffee table in the centre of the living room. The little five year old mumbling to himself as he scribbles in on a piece of paper. His turquoise eyes shimmering with happiness as he colours in the sun in the corner of the paper before drawing lines around the quarter circles and then beginning to draw four people on the little grass land he coloured in at the bottom. A smile on his lips as he colours in a house on the side of the paper too. The little boy giggling when he finishes something on the paper.

Beside him, working on his homework but pitching in ideas for his picture every now and then, sat Shoto. The older male playfully hiding the crayons that he was colouring with which made Hiro squeals and climbs all over him to retrieve the desired colour.

As I snuggle into the couch, I arch a brow toward my husband who's needlessly fluffing up the pillows on my back. The red haired male chuckling gently as I stick my tongue out at him. Gently, he presses his lips against mine in a sweet kiss before pulling away and heading toward Hiro to check up on his picture. Toya making sure that Hiro was happy and comfortable.

Despite my pregnancy being a happy thing for the family, Toya's been on edge. He's worrying and fussing over Hiro like something's going to happen which didn't settle right in my stomach. He'd make sure Hiro was tucked in with both of us. Make sure that Hiro had both of us dropping him off at his new school. Have Hiro help us out with dinner. He'd even make sure that we have family cuddles at least three times a week... When he's not fussing over Hiro, he's fussing over me. Making sure that the pair of us are happy, comfy and healthy above anything else.

He was going full on protective mode...

To begin with, it was quite sweet and endearing. Waking up to a breakfast in bed made by Hiro and Toya is always something that I cherish and hold close to my heart. Having Toya cook dinner instead of leaving me to do it. Having Toya run me a nice bath with flower petals and bath salts or a bath bomb was always appreciated after a long hard day at the school. All of it was very well received...

Until it got into overkill...

I didn't realise it at first, but after a while, Toya would do all the things that I like doing around the house. Such as the cooking. I love to cook. I like cooking for my family, especially when I get Hiro involved and we make a mess of it. But Toya wouldn't let me set a foot in the kitchen unless it was to get myself some food... other than that, he would do it for me. I don't mind him cleaning the house (that I don't have a problem with. Don't even get me started about how Toya walks me to and from the high school or drives me there and back.

It was like I was being babied. I think he's forgetting that I spent most of my first pregnancy working myself to the bone at my father - in - laws hero agency to rake in as much cash as I could or that I spent it making dinner for Shoto, Fuyumi and Natsuo whenever they visited. I love being babied... don't get me wrong but... not constantly. I'm not incapable of doing any of the chores.

Apparently, from what Enji told me when I asked him about it (I wanted to see if there was something I could do to try and ease Toya a bit), when Rei was pregnant with his younger siblings, Toya wasn't the most happiest of bunnies. He'd kick up a fuss whenever Rei got pregnant and he would get more and more... closed off around everyone. He wouldn't get excited. He'd get more violent. More angry.

So, from what I can gather, Toya didn't want Hiro to lash out like he did with a new baby on the way.

As Toya saunters into the kitchen to make a start on dinner, I ruffle my sons hair and head to the kitchen myself, shutting the door behind me so Hiro and Shoto can't listen in on the conversation. My husband arches a brow toward me and stops chopping the onions for our dinner to turn his attention toward me, a small hum leaving his lips as he leans against the kitchen counter.

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