Chapter 20

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Taking a deep breath, my heart is in my throat as there's a knock on the door. Already knowing that it's Keigo, bright and ready to take me back home. Knowing that my time with my boyfriend and the father of my child is slowly diminishing. My son knew what was happening, but he was trying to remain strong for the both of us. Soaking up each and every second with his father until he has to go. Hiro hadn't let go of Dabi since he woke up, the boy refusing to leave without him. The little red head burying his face into his fathers shoulder, wrapping his arms around his neck and holding onto him tightly.

Keigo grins my way, winking toward me as I scrape my hair back into a messy ponytail while I roll my eyes his way. Making sure that we had everything, that Hiro had everything that he needed as well as all those birthday gifts that Dabi had got him. Already knowing that Keigo was going to sneak that into my home after dropping me off so it didn't rouse any suspicion. Closing up the bag with a small hum, running my hand through my hair as I smile softly toward Dabi and Hiro. Hiro gently tracing each line of his scars with a small hum.

"Do you have to stay, daddy? I don't want you to go... Mama's been so happy," Hiro speaks to him softly, looking up at his father with those cute little puppy eyes to try and swerve his judgement, "Pretty please..."

"Unfortunately, buddy, I can't... I'm sorry," he says taking a deep breath as he buries his nose into his sons head of hair and kisses his head softly, rubbing his back as Hiro pouts, "You be good for your mom, okay? Don't let your papa Enji get away with anything,"

"I'm always good for mama," Hiro says with a smile, kissing his cheek before finally letting Dabi set him down on his feet, toddling to Hawk with a small smile and giggles when the, now, Number Two Hero sends some feathers to tickle him.

Dabi hums gently, wrapping his arms around my waist, kissing my nose gently as I wrap my arms around his neck. My eyes glossing over gently as I slide my fingers through his hair with a soft smile. It didn't seem real. Like it was some sort of dream. Dabi gently captures my lips in a soft kiss, pulling away slowly as he smiles.

"Damn! You got busy last night!" Keigo gawks, staring at mine and Dabi's neck, chuckling to himself as Dabi glares his way for ruining the moment, "How big is that hickey? Ooh! Can I be godfather of your baby?"

"Do you like your wings?" Dabi threatens, his eyes burning into the winged male making him rub the back of his neck with a small nervous chuckle, "You keep your hands off her when she gets back, otherwise there'll be a new dish called Fried Keigo,"

"Sorry, man, but Jesus that hickeys big," Hawks says pointing toward my collarbone making me blush softly, pulling my t shirt up to cover it, "You're not messing about, are you? Trying to pop another out?"

"Just marking what's mine," Dabi replies rolling his eyes as he kisses my forehead softly with a smile, "And no, and even if she was there's no way you're being the godparent of my child,"

"Damn..." Keigo whines, pouting my way before tilting his head, "Wait who is Hiro's godparents?"

"Shoto and Fuyumi," I reply with a soft smile, leaning into Dabi's arms, trying to soak up as much time with him as I can, "Natsuo is also a godparent, I didn't think it was fair to leave him out of the equation,"

"You gonna be okay?" Dabi asks, changing the subject back to me leaving, rubbing my back gently as I twirl some of his black locks in my fingers, "I don't want you to get hurt..."

"I've dealt with your father more times than I can count, babe, I'll be fine," I reply with a soft smile, kissing his cheek, gently cupping his face in my hands and rubbing his skin softly, "I'll miss you... but this was a gift, and I'd love for you to kidnap me again whenever you want,"

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