Chapter 33

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My brain didn't stop all night. I must have woken up around five times overnight. If it wasn't about that blonde girl being all over my boyfriend weighing on my mind, it was the fact that my mother was murdered in cold blood by my fathers arch enemy. If it wasn't about Shigaraki turning up at my house and talking about this 'plan' then it was the fear of Hiro being taken away. I must have went into his room three times. The thoughts just wouldn't go away. I haven't had this rough of a night since I found out Toya went missing...

A small sigh leaves my lips as my eyes flutter open, my eyes focusing in on the wall as I slump against my pillow. My eyes watering slightly as I take a deep breath. A nervous breath. The scenario from last night still fresh in my mind. Nagging my brain. Refusing to leave until I get answers. Refusing to allow me to forget it until I get what I want. My brain whirring a million miles per minute as I look up at the ceiling, taking another deep breath. My hands tightening around the covers draped over my laying form as I stare toward the alarm clock on my nightstand. My eyes looking toward the time with a groan.


Too early. As always. Way too early to be awake but I can't seem to allow myself to fall asleep. My eyes trail down to the floor, looking down at the clothes strewn across the carpet. My boyfriends black hoodie on the floor along with his shirt. My heart keeps in my throat as I sigh gently, shaking my head as I try to fall asleep again. I had to. The less sleep I got, the more insecure and the more prone I was to breaking down. And today wasn't going to be an easy day.

Taking a deep breath, I snuggle back into the covers with a small hum, ignoring the urge to leave the bedroom and get on with the day despite not getting enough sleep. Ignoring the urge to rush crying into my fathers arms and be a baby again. When it was getting so much and having things weighing horribly on my mind... I just want to be a child again: when it was easier. When you could just let yourself have fun and be stress free...

"Baby? You awake?"

Toya's awake. Of course he is. Why wouldn't he be awake? His arms drape over my front as he pulls me into his chest, resting his head in the crook of my neck. The male pressing a soft kiss behind my ear as he pulls he as close as he can to his chest. A small hum leaving his lips as I turn in his arms to look toward him. His bright turquoise eyes seeking through my own. He could tell last night had impacted me...

We didn't talk about anything last night. I couldn't bring myself to deal with anymore jaw dropping reveals. So, despite Shoto biting at the bit to find out about everything, I went straight to bed after tucking Hiro in. Leaving Dabi to the wolves basically, letting him deal with a nervous Shoto and a worried Natsuo. After all; it's his fault. It's him. He was the reason that Shigaraki and his 'gang' showed up at the door at the crack of dusk.

Now's the time we have to talk about it...

My mood, if it was even possible, sours instantly. I turn back toward the wall, my back toward my boyfriend as I pull myself up. Letting my back rest against the headboard as I let out a small yawn, running my fingers through my (h/c), my eyes feeling heavy. I could feel the tears weighing around my eyes as I gulp softly. As I close my eyes, I hear Dabi sigh gently, his arms wrapping around me again as he hums.

"Talk to me baby," Dabi hums gently, rocking us gently to a soft rhythm as he rubs circles on the backs of my hands, interlinking our hands together as he kisses my neck softly, "Please don't push me away..."

Falling In Love With You All Over Again... (Dabi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now